Allocation in Terms of Packs or Cases from Active Locations


During waving, users who track inventory in terms of item’s standard pack or item’s standard case quantity can allocate in terms of packs or cases from active. When performing the picking wave, if the allocation UOM is set to Pack or Cases and the Location type is Active, the system creates allocations with an allocation UOM of packs or cases.

That is, if the allocation UOM is Packs, then the system considers the item's standard Pack quantity, and if the allocation UOM is Cases, then the system considers an item's standard case quantity. While allocating in terms of packs or cases, WMS falls back to an item's standard pack or item's standard case quantity given the active inventory pack and case quantity values of 0.

Oracle WMS Cloud supports Picking allocations from the Wave in terms of Packs or Cases from active locations in the following screens and transactions:

  • Allocation Mode Sequence
  • NC Active Picking
  • RF Pick Cart
  • RF Pick IBLPN
  • Putaway
  • MHE Pick Confirmation API

Allocation Mode Sequence

From the Allocation Mode Sequence UI, you can configure Unit of Measure (UOM) for Packs or Cases when the Location type is "Active". If the allocation UOM is Packs, then the system considers the item's standard Pack quantity, and if the allocation UOM is Cases, then the system considers an item's standard case quantity.

Note: If the Location Type is "Active" and the Allocation UOM is not Units or Packs or Cases, OR enabled with only Units/Packs/Cases, then an error is displayed.

To Allocate Inventory quantity in terms of Packs or Cases:

  1. Go to Wave Template, Inventory Allocation Mode, Inventory Allocation Mode Sequence UI.
  2. Set the Location type = Active and the Allocation UOM = Packs or Cases.

NC Active Picking

Note: During NC Active Picking, when allocating in terms of Packs or Cases from Active, the underlying task type should be "NC-Active-Pick" and the Allocation type should be "Active Pick" for the allocations and tasks created.

RF Pick Cart

The system allows you to pick in Packs or Cases when the wave has allocated Active Inventory with Allocation UOM of Packs or Cases while performing Cubed picking:
  • The system will display the number of packs or cases based on the item's standard pack quantity or item's standard case quantity in Sku Qty Entry Mode.
  • The system will display the number of packs or cases based on the item's standard pack or case quantity in Sku Scan Mode. Each Scan of Sku corresponds to 1 Case or pack to be Picked (The number of Units to be considered is an item master's standard case or pack quantity).


During RF Distribute LPN:
  • If the initial Picks into temporary inbound are in terms of Packs (allocation UOM of Packs) and Pick IBLPN has the screen parameter distribution-uom set to "Use Source Inventory UOM", then the system displays the quantity to be packed in Packs.
  • If the initial Picks into temporary LPN is happening in terms of Cases (allocation UOM of Cases ) and Pick IBLPN has the screen parameter distribution-uom set to "Use Source Inventory UOM", then the system displays quantity to be packed in Cases.

MHE Pick Confirmation API

The MHE Pick Confirmation API has Allocation UOM and UOM quantity fields that convert Packs to Units or Cases to Units. These fields are used to perform picking updates if the original allocation is in Packs or Cases.

Let's say the MHE Pick Confirmation payload has an allocation UOM of Packs or Cases and the determined allocation is in Packs or Cases from "Active." The system will determine the quantity to be picked or packed by multiplying the item's standard pack quantity if the allocation UOM is Packs or the item's standard case quantity, if the allocation UOM is in Cases.


From the Putaway Type Determination Rules UI,you can control how LPNs with non-standard Pack or Case quantities are moved to different Active Locations. You can move LPNs to different Reserve Locations if the incoming LPNs have a different Pack or Case quantity than the Item master's Pack or Case quantity. This will help in segregating items with a non-standard pack or case quantity from the active location.

Note: The system does not support tracking of multiple packs or Case Qty in a single active location.

The following two functions (available in the Putaway Type Determination Rule Selection Criteria) can compare the item’s standard case or pack quantity against the iventory’s case or pack quantity:

  • FUNC_INVN_PACK_QTY_MATCHES_ITEM: If the item's Pack quantity matches with the Inventory's Pack quantity, then the Function will evaluate to true.
  • FUNC_INVN_CASE_QTY_MATCHES_ITEM: If the item's Case quantity matches with the Inventory's Case quantity, then the function will evaluate to true.

To Apply configuration changes in Putaway:

  1. Go to Putaway Determination Rule.
  2. Select the Final Putaway Type > Click Selection Criteria.
  3. Go to Insert basic Operation > From Column name drop-box, select the function Function - Inventory Pack Qty matches Item or Function - Inventory Case Qty matches Item.
  4. Click Save.