Secondary Ordering Criteria in Waving

Waving Processes for Picking Waves, Replenishment, and Work Order Waves provide inventory allocation strategies using allocation methods like First Expiry First Out (FEFO)/ Last Expiry First Out (LEFO), First In First Out (FIFO)/ Last In First Out (LIFO), Location Sequence Ascending/ Location Sequence Descending, Quantity Ascending/Quantity Descending.

Oracle WMS Cloud provides a secondary ordering criteria where if there are multiple candidate LPN’s with the same expiry date, then the system allows you to order by secondary ordering criteria like Quantity Ascending or Quantity Descending. The FEFO or the Quantity Ascending helps to consume LPN’s faster and FEFO/Quantity Descending helps to fetch bigger boxes. This allows room for Putaway and helps in space utilization.

Note: If operating for Gravity Feed or Push Back Racks, combination of Location Sequence/FIFO or Location sequence /LIFO can be used.

Secondary Allocation Method

The Secondary Allocation Method field is available in the Wave Template screen so that secondary ordering can be configured along with the allocation method. The Secondary Allocation Method field is also available in the Allocation Mode Sequence screen so that secondary ordering can be applied for relevant allocation mode sequence.

  • By configuring the secondary allocation method, a second level of ordering can be done if there are multiple candidate LPN’s or Inventory matching the first strategy.
    • If multiple LPNs with the same expiry date are found eligible for allocation during the wave and the Allocation method is FEFO, the secondary allocation method of Quantity Ascending or Descending can be applied to the LPNs with the same expiry date.
    • If the Primary Allocation Method is Location Sequence, and if there are multiple LPNs in the same location, then the LPNs received first are used as secondary ordering. Location Sequence Ascending/Descending along with FIFO or LIFO can be considered.
  • Configuring a Secondary Allocation Method is not Mandatory.
  • Even after applying the secondary allocation method, the built-in ordering can be considered based on location pick sequence if there are eligible LPN’s or inventory.
  • The Secondary Allocation Method field is also available in the Replenishment Rule Sequence screen for Configuring Secondary Allocation Method for allocating LPNs or Active Inventory for Replenishment.
    • For Replenishment with Picking Wave allocating out of In Transit Quantity, Quantity Ascending and Descending In transit Quantity is considered.
  • The Secondary Allocation Method field also allows you to perform secondary ordering for Work order Wave.

The following table provides details about the Primary and Secondary Allocation Methods:

Primary Allocation Method Secondary Allocation Method Expected Sortation
Quantity Ascending First In First Out The system searches for LPNs in ascending order of the quantity. Multiple LPNs with similar quantity will be ordered by LPNs create_ts.
Quantity Descending First In First Out The system searches for LPNs in ascending order of the quantity. Multiple LPNs with similar quantity will be ordered by LPNs create_ts.
First Expiry First Out Quantity Descending The system searches for LPNs/Active Inventory in ascending order of inventories priority date. Multiple LPN's/locations with similar priority date will be ordered by descending quantity of the LPN. In-built ordering based on location sequence will be considered, if multiple ’s with same expiry dates and quantity is found
Last Expiry First Out Location Sequence Descending The system searches for LPNs/Active Inventory in descending order priority date. Multiple LPNs/locations with similar priority date will be ordered by location sequence.
Note: A valid error message is displayed if you attempt to configure the following invalid Secondary Allocation Method for the configured primary allocation method:
Allocation Method Invalid Secondary Allocation Method
Location sequence ascending Location sequence ascending, location sequence descending.
Location sequence descending Location sequence ascending, location sequence descending.
Note: Secondary allocation method does not change the underlying ordering logic. Combinations should be evaluated as per Distribution Center workflow needs.

To setup the Secondary Allocation Method for a Picking Wave: (Allocations happening for Order Picking):

  1. Go to the Wave Template screen.
  2. Populate the Secondary Allocation Method.
  3. If the allocation method is configured at the individual allocation mode sequence level, populate the Secondary Allocation Method in the Allocation Mode Sequence screen,