Receive Entire Shipment

The Receive Entire Shipment button does the following validations:

  • If a sku requires a batch and the shipment detail does not have a batch, that lpn will not be received.
  • If a sku requires an expiry and the shipment detail does not have an expiry, that lpn will not be received.
  • If a sku requires serial numbers and there are no serial numbers, the lpn will not be received (and even if there are serial numbers, if the item required serial number is set up to: Required, validate, and allow user to override, then the LPN can not be received.
If you want the system to skip those validations, you can set facility parameter SKIP_VALIDATION_FOR_RECV_ENTIRE_SHIPMENT to Yes.
Note: If the the item is setup with "Required, validate, and allow user to override", and facility parameter SKIP_VALIDATION_FOR_RECV_ENTIRE_SHIPMENT set to Yes, you need to have the item set to "no validation required" in order for Receive Entire Shipment to work.

If the ASN has Pallet information, the system associates this information to the IBLPN, and there will be an associated record on the Pallet UI, and Pallet History.

If the ASN or PO has inventory attributes, this information is passed over to the LPNs received via Receive Entire Shipment.