Receiving ASNs without the RF

Oracle WMS Cloud provides the ability to receive an entire ASN without the use of the RF gun.

Pre-Condition: In order for this to work, the ASN must be fully cartonized (i.e. have all the LPN information provided in the ASN).
  1. Go to the “Inbound Shipments” screen, select the ASN and click “Receive Entire Shipment”.
    Note: Ensure the ASN is cartonized prior to receiving the entire ASN.

    Using the "Receive Entire Shipment button
  2. Oracle WMS Cloud will display a confirmation message. Click “Yes”.

    Receiving an ASN without the RF
  3. The ASN will be received based on the IB LPNs that are associated with the ASN.
  • If the ASN is checked-in prior to receiving, all IB LPNs are allocated to the associated location once receiving is complete. If the ASN has not been checked-in, Oracle WMS Cloud will not assign a location to the IB LPNs.
  • If the ASN has Pallet information, the system associates this information to the IBLPN, and there will be an associated record on the Pallet UI, and Pallet History.
  • If the ASN or PO has inventory attributes, this information is passed over to the LPNs received via Receive Entire Shipment.