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Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 Security Guide

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Updated: October 2021

Verify the VM Security Profile (CLI)

Use this procedure to verify the security profile that is configured for the zones and VMs. To perform this procedure, you must access the system with a user account that has the root role.

Note -  To identify the security profile assigned to the global zone, use the MCMU BUI to view System Setting → User Input Summary. The security profile is displayed at the bottom of the page.
  1. Log in to the global zone as mcinstall.

    For instructions, refer to Accessing the System in Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide.

  2. Assume the root role.

    For example:

    % su root
  3. Determine the log file name for the VM.

    In this example, there is one log file for each VM:

    # cd /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/mcmubui/MCMU/verification_logs
    # ls
    verify_appvmg1-zone-1-mc4-n1.log  verify_dbvmg1-zone-3-mc4-n1.log
    verify_appvmg1-zone-1-mc4-n2.log  verify_dbvmg1-zone-3-mc4-n2.log
    verify_dbvmg1-zone-1-mc4-n2.log   verify_dbvmg1-zone-4-mc4-n1.log
    verify_dbvmg1-zone-2-mc4-n1.log   verify_dbvmg1-zone-4-mc4-n2.log
  4. View the verification log files.

    View the last lines of the log file. If (PCI-DSS) is displayed, the VM's security profile is PCI-DSS. If no profile is listed, the VM's security profile is CIS Equivalent.

    • Example of the last 22 lines of a VM with a PCI-DSS profile:

      # tail -22 verify_dbvmg1-zone-1-mc4-n2.log
      (PCI-DSS) Checking /etc/cron.d/at.allow:  
      (PCI-DSS) Checking audit configuration (user audit flags):  
      (PCI-DSS) Checking audit configuration (non-attributable audit flags):  
      (PCI-DSS) Checking audit configuration (audit_binfile plugin):  
      (PCI-DSS) Checking audit flags on root and tadmin roles:  
      Check if tenant-key exists in keystore:  
      Check if immutability is enabled:  
      Failed/Not Configured
    • Example of the last 22 lines of a VM with a CIS Equivalent profile:

      # tail -22 verify_dbvmg1-zone-1-mc4-n2.log
      Checking if NDP routing daemon is disabled:
      Checking if r-protocol services are disabled:
      Checking if rpc/bind is enabled and configured correctly:
      Checking if NFS v2/v3 is disabled:
      Checking if GDM is enabled:
      Failed/Not Configured
      Check if tenant-key exists in keystore:
      Check if immutability is enabled:
      Failed/Not Configured