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Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 Security Guide

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Updated: October 2021

Schedule a Security Compliance Benchmark (BUI)

Use this procedure to schedule a security benchmark using the MCMU BUI. To instead use the MCMU CLI, refer to the Accessing the System in Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide for instructions.

  1. Log in to the MCMU BUI as a primary administrator.

    For instructions, refer to Accessing the System in Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide.

  2. In the Home page, scroll down to the Compliance Information panel.
  3. Click on a node to expand its details.

    Each zone and VM was configured with a security profile (either CIS equivalent or PCI-DSS). When you schedule a benchmark select a benchmark that corresponds to the component's security profile.

    image:A screen shot showing the nodes expanded.
  4. Scroll to the right and click Schedule for one of the VMs.
    image:A screen shot showing the schedule page.
  5. Specify the time and frequency, and click Start.

    After the security compliance test runs at the scheduled time, view the report. See View Benchmark Reports (BUI).