Transformation Sequence Editor Dependencies Tab

Use the Dependencies tab to configure the transformation stages in the transformation sequence.

When modeling transformation stages, refer to the following topics:


See "Transformation Sequence Editor" for information about fields that appear on multiple Transformation Sequence editor tabs.

Field Use

Tree area

The tree area contains the transformation sequence and each of the transformation stages. Do any of the following:

  • Right-click the name of the transformation sequence and select Add New Transformation Stage to add a new stage.

  • Select a transformation stage from this list to configure it using the fields in the subtabs.

  • Right-click the name of a transformation stage and select Move Up to move the transformation stage earlier in the sequence.

  • Right-click the name of a transformation stage and select Move Down to move the transformation stage later in the sequence.

  • Right-click the name of the transformation sequence or stage and select Change to Non-Sequential to allow custom sequencing of the transformation stages for the sequence. See "Configuring Non-Sequential Stage Transitions" for more information about using this option.

  • Right-click the name of a transformation stage and select Add Transition to configure a non-sequential stage transition. This option is only available if the transformation sequence is using non-sequential stage transitions. See "Configuring Non-Sequential Stage Transitions" for more information about using this option.

  • Right-click the name of a transformation stage and select Remove to delete the stage.