Account Level Delinquency Process

To create a delinquency process at the account level, the system requires the following collection details of the account:

  • Collection Class - Used to control how the account's debt is compared against collection criteria (i.e. tolerance limit) to determine whether a collection process (such as delinquency process) should be initiated for the account. A new collection method named Self-Control Delinquency is available while defining a collection class. It is used to create a distinct or separate delinquency process for the accounts which belong to the collection class. You can specify the collection class for an account from the user interface or through a health care inbound message.


    If you do not want to initiate delinquency process for an account, ensure that the account belongs to a collection class where the collection method is set to Not Eligible for Collection.

    If the collection class is not specified for an account, the system, by default, sets it to the one specified in the respective customer class when you create the account through a health care inbound message.

  • Credit Review Grace Days - Used to indicate the number of days from the bill due date or the processing date after which the account's debt should be monitored for delinquency. For example, if the bill due date is 07-Jan-2024 and credit review grace days is set to 10, then the system will consider the account for monitoring the delinquency on or after 17-Jan-2024. You can specify the credit review grace days for the customer class to which the account belongs from the user interface.

    Note: The system considers the bill due date in case of bill events and the processing date in case of non-bill events while monitoring the delinquency of an account.
  • Next Credit Review Date - Used to indicate the date when the account should be considered for monitoring the delinquency. The system calculates the next credit review date for the account using the bill due date or the processing date and the credit review grace days. The next credit review date of the account is stored in the CI_​ADM_​RVW_​SCH table. The system calculates the next credit review date for the account on the following system events:

    • Bill Completion

    • Payment Cancellation (due to Non-Sufficient Funds)

    • Active Overdue Process Review

    • Match Event is Added, Changed, or Deleted

    • Payment Freeze

    • Payment Agreement Request or Promise to Pay is Broken or Canceled

    • Written Off Bill is Reversed

  • Postpone Credit Review Until - Used when you want to review the account's debt after a particular date. The system will consider the account for monitoring the delinquency only after the specified date. You can specify the postpone credit review until date for an account from the user interface or through a health care inbound message.

  • Credit Rating - Used to indicate the credit rating of the account. It is calculated by the system using the credit rating transactions which are effective on the system date. The system then considers the sum of account's credit rating and credit rating threshold (defined in the installation options) to determine whether the account's debt should be monitored for delinquency.

  • Minimum Credit Review Frequency - Used to indicate the frequency at which the accounts belonging to the respective collection class should be monitored for delinquency. In other words, it indicates in how many days the system should review whether the bills of the accounts are overdue. You can specify the minimum credit review frequency for a delinquency control of a collection class from the user interface.

  • Last Credit Review Date - Used to indicate the date when the account's debt was last reviewed. The system stamps the last credit review date against an account when a delinquency process is initiated for the account through the C1-ACDLQ batch.

  • Drag Days - Used to specify additional grace days (if any) offered at the account level. These drag days are considered while calculating the grace end date when the trigger date calculation mode (in the respective delinquency process type) is set to Latest Bill Due Date with Grace Period. For example, if the latest bill due date is 05-Jan-2024, grace period is set to 5 days (in the respective delinquency process type), and drag days is to 10 days (for the respective account), then the grace end date for the account is set to 20-Jan-2024.