Editing an Aggregate Stop-Loss Pricing Rule of a Parent Customer


To edit an aggregate stop-loss pricing rule of a parent customer, you should have:

  • Business Object C1-PricingRuleASL defined for aggregate stop-loss pricing rule.

  • SSL accumulation level defined in the application.

  • Underwriter review defined in the application.

  • Values defined for the Reinsurer Person Relationship Type option type in the C1-ASOBLLNG feature configuration.


To edit an aggregate stop-loss pricing rule of a parent customer:

  1. Search for the account, person, or policy whose pricing details you want to view in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the account, person, or policy whose pricing details you want to view.
    The Account, Person, or Policy tab in the Customer 360° Information screen appears.
  3. Click the Pricing tab, in the Parent Customer Pricing Rules zone click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the pricing rule type for aggregate stop-loss whose aggregate stop-loss pricing rule details you want to edit.

    The Aggregate Stop-Loss (ASL) Pricing Rule screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Customer Information - Displays the customer information.

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the aggregate stop-loss pricing rule.

    • Accumulation Parameters - Used to define the accumulation parameters based on which you want to accumulate the aggregate stop-loss for the transactions which are processed in the run-in or active period of the policy.

    • Run-In Parameters - Used to define run-in parameters in the run-in period of the policy.

    • Characteristics - Used to define the characteristics for an aggregate stop-loss pricing rule.

    The Customer Information section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Parent Customer Information Displays the parent customer information Not applicable
    Pricing Rule Type Indicates the pricing rule type. Not applicable

    The Main section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Price Item Indicates the price item defined for pricing. Not applicable
    Parent Customer's SSL or ASL Pricing Rules Indicates the pricing date range derived from the parent customer's specific stop-loss or aggregate stop-loss pricing rules. Not applicable
    Pricing Start Date Displays the pricing rule start date. Not applicable
    Pricing End Date Displays the pricing rule end date. Not applicable
    Rate Option Indicates the rate option used for defining the aggregate stop-loss pricing rule for the price item. Not applicable
    Settlement Frequency Indicates the settlement frequency to determine the bill after date. The valid values are:
    • Immediately - The bill after date is not calculated. The aggregate stop-loss billable charge is billed immediately in the next cycle.

    • Manually (At Required Intervals) - The bill after date specified in the Manual Settlement Bill After Date parameter while executing the C1-BCASL batch is stamped on the aggregate stop-loss billable charge.

    • Monthly - The bill after date specified in the Manual Settlement Date parameter while executing the C1-BCASL batch is stamped on the aggregate stop-loss billable charge.

    • Yearly - The bill after date in the aggregate stop-loss billable charge is set to the pricing end date.

    Underwriter Review Used to indicate whether the underwriter settlement review flag is on or off. The valid values are:
    • Yes

    • No

    Reinsurer Account Used to indicate the account of the reinsurer person (associated with the parent customer) which you want to use for defining the aggregate stop-loss pricing rule for the price item.
    Note: You cannot update the reinsurer account when the reinsurer billable charges are already created for the accumulation group. Ideally, you should first cancel the reinsurer charges and then update the reinsurer account in the aggregate stop-loss pricing rule.
  4. Modify the details in the Main section, if required.
  5. Modify the accumulation parameters in an aggregate stop-loss pricing rule, if required.
  6. Modify the run-in parameters in an aggregate stop-loss pricing rule, if required.
  7. Add, edit, or remove characteristics for the aggregate stop-loss pricing rule, if required.
  8. Click Save.
    The changes made to an aggregate stop-loss pricing rule for a parent customer are saved.

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