Editing a Retention Type Enrollment Based Pricing Rule of a Parent Customer


To edit a retention type enrollment based pricing rule of a parent customer, you should have:

  • Business Object C1-PricingRule defined for the pricing rule.

  • Business Object C1-PrcRuleTypRetEnrollBased defined for retention type enrollment based pricing rule type.

  • Algorithms C1-APPTXNBAS defined for retention type enrollment based pricing rule type.

    Note: A custom algorithm type must be created to validate a transaction.


To edit a retention type enrollment based pricing rule of a parent customer:

  1. Search for a parent customer in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the parent customer whose pricing details you want to view.
    The Person tab appears in the Customer 360° Information screen.
  3. Click the Pricing tab.
    The Pricing tab appears.
  4. In the Parent Customer Pricing Rules zone, click the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column corresponding to the retention type enrollment based pricing rule, whose details you want to edit.

    The Retention Type Enrollment Based Pricing Rule screen appears. It contains the following zones:

    • Customer Information - Displays the basic information about the customer. It contains the following fields:

      Column Name Column Description
      Parent Customer Information Displays the parent name.
      Pricing Rule Type Displays the pricing rule type that is chosen to define the retention type claim based pricing rule of a parent customer.
    • Main - This section contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Price Item Indicates the price item for which you want to define the pricing. Not applicable
      Pricing Start Date Used to specify the start date from when the pricing will be effective for the price item. Yes (Conditional)
      Note: Pricing Start Date should be entered if Pricing End Date has been mentioned.
      Pricing End Date Used to specify the end date till when the pricing will be effective for the price item. No
      Rate Option Indicates the rate option for the price item. Not applicable
      Exempt Retro Transactions Used to indicate that retro transactions should not be considered for calculation purposes. No
      Price Item Parameter Used to specify multiple price item parameters based on which you want to determine the price item utilization.
      Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon does appear corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Price Item Parameters screen appears.
      Parameter Value Used to specify multiple price item parameter values based on which you want to determine the price item utilization.
      Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon does appear corresponding to this field. On clicking the Search icon, the Parameter Value Search screen appears.
      Fee Indicates the fee for the price item parameter. Not applicable
    • Characteristics - Used to define the characteristics for the Retention Type Enrollment based pricing rule for parent customer. It contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Effective Date Used to specify the effective date from when the characteristic is effective for the retention type enrollment based pricing rule of a parent customer. No
      Characteristic Type Used to indicate the characteristic type for the retention type enrollment based pricing rule of a parent customer. The valid values are:
      • Eligible for Billing

      Characteristic Value Used to specify the characteristic value for the retention type enrollment based pricing rule of a parent customer.
      Note: If you select a predefined characteristic type, the Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Characteristic Value field. On clicking the Search icon, the Predefined Characteristic Search window appears. On specifying the value for a predefined characteristic type, the description of the characteristic value appears corresponding to the Characteristic Value field.
  5. Click Save.

    If the approval workflow group setting is set as Active for the parent customer, for which the retention type enrollment based pricing rule is defined then an approval transaction is created for that particular parent customer. The retention type enrollment based pricing rule for a parent customer is defined, once the approval transaction is approved.

  6. Click OK
    The retention type enrollment based pricing rule of a parent customer is edited.

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