File Records Error Messages List

The File Records Error Messages List zone displays the error messages that occur in the file records. It contains the following fields:

Column Name Column Description
Message Category Displays the category of the error message.
Message Number Displays the message number.
Retry Displays the number of records in the Retry status.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the File Record Detail screen appears with the details of the records in the Retry status.
Retry Limit Exceed Displays the number of retry attempts performed on the file record.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the File Record Detail screen appears with the details of the records in the Retry Limit Exceed status.
Error Displays the number of records in the Error status.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the File Record Detail screen appears with the details of the records in the Error status.

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