Viewing the Bill Details


To view the details of a bill:

  1. Search for the account, whose bill details you want to view, in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the account whose details you want to view.
    The Account tab appears in the Customer 360° Information screen.
  3. In the Open Bills zone, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the bill whose details you want to view.
    The Bill Information screen appears.
  4. View the basic details of the bill in the Bill Information zone.
  5. View the adjustments which are swept onto the bill in the Adjustments zone.
  6. View the activities, such as payment, transfer, offset, refund, or write off through which the bill is settled, in the Settlement Activities zone.
  7. View the bill segment information, which is summarized based on the date range and price item combination, in the Bill Segment Summary zone.
  8. View the details of the bill segments in the Bill Segment Details zone.
  9. View the SQ details of the bill segment in the SQ Details zone.
  10. View the calculation lines of the bill segment in the Bill Segment Calculation Lines zone.
  11. View the transactions whose charges are billed through the bill segment in the Transaction Details zone.
  12. View the calculation lines of all transaction legs (which are rated before billing) in the Transaction Leg Calculation Lines zone.
  13. View the active hold requests due to which the bill is kept on hold in the Hold Details zone.
  14. View the offset requests through which the bill is offset against another bill in the Offset Details zone.
  15. View the refund and write off requests through which the bill or its bill segment is either refunded or written off in the Refund and Write Off Details zone.

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Customer 360° Information screen Customer 360° Information
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Bill Information zone Bill Information
Adjustments zone Adjustments
Settlement Activities zone Settlement Activities
Bill Segment Summary zone Bill Segment Summary
Bill Segment Details zone Bill Segment Details
SQ Details zone SQ Details
Bill Segment Calculation Lines zone Bill Segment Calculation Lines
Transaction Details zone Transaction Details
Transaction Leg Calculation Lines zone Transaction Leg Calculation Lines
Hold Details zone Hold Details
Offset Details zone Offset Details
Refund and Write Off Details zone Refund and Write Off Details
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