Including Adjustments in a Construct

While defining a construct, you need to indicate the adjustments that you want to bill through an invoice or settlement account. You can use an existing invoice or settlement account. The system allows you to select a set of adjustments based on the criteria using the adjustment selection template.


To include adjustments in a construct, you should have:

  • Adjustment selection templates defined in the application

  • Invoice or settlement account defined in the application (in case you want to use an existing invoice account)


To include adjustments in a construct:

  1. Ensure that Include Adjustments zone is expanded while defining, editing, viewing or copying a construct in the Construct screen. It contains the following fields:
    Column Name Column Description
    Effective Start Date Displays the date from when the construct is effective.
    Effective End Date Displays the date till when the construct is effective.
    Priority Displays the priority of an account.
    Template Displays the name of the template.
    Criteria Indicates the bind variable for which you need to define the value.
    Note: The bind variables change depending on the account selection template that you have selected. If a business label is defined for the bind variable, the business label appears in this field.
    Invoice Account Information Displays the information of the invoice account. In addition, this column has a context menu (The Context Menu Icon) which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Account screen appears where you can view the details of the respective account.
    Edit On clicking the Edit (The Edit Icon) icon in the Edit column, the Selection Criteria screen appears where you can edit the construct.
    Delete On clicking the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon in the Delete column, you can delete the construct.
  2. Click the Add link at the top-right side of the Include Adjustments zone.
    The Selection Criteria screen appears.
  3. Search for the adjustment selection template that you want to use for selecting a set of adjustments.
  4. Enter the required details and click Save.
  5. If you want to include more than one usage adjustments, click Save and Add New button in the Selection C riteria screen and repeat step 4.
    The Adjustments are included in the construct.

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Construct screen Construct (Used for Searching)
Include Adjustments zone Include Adjustments