Removing a Member from the Master Account


You can remove a member from the master account through both the Invoicing Group Maintenance - Add/Edit and Invoicing Group Information screens. To remove a member from the master account:

  1. Do either of the following:
    If you want toThen
    Remove a member from the master account through the Invoicing Group Maintenance - Add/Edit screen
    1. Access the Invoicing Group Maintenance - Add/Edit screen.

    2. In the Member Accounts zone, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the member account that you want to remove from the master account.

    Remove a member from the master account through the Invoicing Group Information screen
    1. Access the Invoicing Group Information screen.

    2. In the Selected Member Account zone, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the member account that you want to remove from the master account.

    The Edit Member Account Assignment zone appears.
  2. Click Remove Member.
    The member is removed from the master account.

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How to access the Invoicing Group Maintenance - Add/Edit screen Viewing the Master Account Details
How to access the Invoicing Group Information screen Viewing the Member Account Details
Edit Member Account Assignment zone Edit Member Account Assignment