Edit Member Account Assignment

The Edit Member Account Assignment zone allows you to edit the assignment details of the member account. This zone contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
Effective Start Date Used to modify the date from when you want the charges for the member account to appear on the bill of the master account.
Note: You can modify the date when it is a future date.
Invoicing Group Assignment Type Indicates that the account is a member account. Not applicable
Effective End Date Used to modify the date till when you want the charges for the member account to appear on the bill of the master account.
Note: You can modify the date when it is not a past date.
Primary Account Identifier Displays the primary account identifier type of the member account along with its value. Not applicable
Note: If a bill is already generated for the master account, you cannot modify the effective start and end dates.

This zone contains the following two buttons:

Button Name Button Description
Save Used to save the changes made in this zone.
Remove Member Used to remove the member from the master account.

By default, the Edit Member Account Assignment zone does not appear in the Invoicing Group Maintenance - Add/Edit screen. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the member account in the Member Accounts zone.

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