Add Member

The Add Member zone allows you to add a member to the master account. This zone contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
Person Name Displays the name of the main customer. Not applicable
Primary Account Identifier Displays the primary account identifier type of the account along with its value. Not applicable
Account Currency Displays the invoice currency of the account. Not applicable
Customer Class Displays the customer class of the account. Not applicable
Effective Start Date Used to specify the date from when you want the charges for the member account to appear on the bill of the master account.
Note: The effective start date should be earlier than or equal to the member account's contract end date.
Billing Cycle Displays the billing cycle during which the account is billed. Not applicable

This zone contains the following button:

Button Name Button Description
Save Used to add a member to the master account.

By default, the Add Member zone does not appear in the Invoicing Group Maintenance - Add/Edit screen. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the account in the Search Accounts to Add zone.

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