Adding a Member to the Master Account


To add a member to the master account, you should have:

  • Accounts within the same banking division and person hierarchy where the value of the Invoice Group Account characteristic type is set to N

  • Accounts with active contracts

Note: You cannot add an account as a member to a master account if that account is already a member of another master during that overlapping period.


To add a member to the master account:

  1. Access the Invoicing Group Maintenance - Add/Edit screen.
  2. In the Search Accounts to Add zone, click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the account that you want to add to the master account.
    The Add Member zone appears.
  3. Enter the date from when you want the charges for the member account to appear on the bill of the master account in the Effective Start Date field.
    Note: The effective start date should be earlier than or equal to the member account's contract end date.
  4. Click Save.
    The account is added to the master account. The contracts at the member level are duplicated at the master level.
    Note: Once a contract is duplicated at the master level, you need to activate the contract at the master level. Otherwise, the charges will be billed to the member account instead of the master account.

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Search Accounts to Add zone Search Accounts to Add
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