Member Accounts

The Member Accounts zone lists the member accounts of the master account. This zone contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Account Identifier Type Displays the primary account identifier type of the member account.
Account Identifier Displays the value of the primary account identifier type.
Account Currency Displays the invoice currency of the member account.
Note: During billing, the charges for the member account are calculated in this currency and then converted to the master account's currency.
Effective Start Date Displays the date from when the charges for the member account appears on the bill of the master account.
Effective End Date Displays the date till when the charges for the member account appears on the bill of the master account.
Person Name Displays the name of the main customer.
Customer Class Displays the customer class of the member account.
Billing Cycle Displays the billing cycle during which the member account is billed.
Note: If the account is removed from the master account, it will be billed during this billing cycle.

On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the member account, the Edit Member Account Assignment zone appears with the details of the respective member account.