Search Accounts to Add

The Search Accounts to Add zone lists accounts defined within the division and person hierarchy to which the master account belongs. The list also includes those accounts that are already added to the master account. You can filter the accounts using various search criteria. This zone contains the following two sections:

  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Account ID Used to specify the account ID. No
    Account Identifier Type Used to specify the account identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: If you enter the account identifier as a search criteria, you have to select the account identifier type.
    Account Identifier Used to specify the value of the account identifier type. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: If you specify the account identifier type as a search criteria, you have to enter the account identifier.
    Person Name Used to specify the person whose accounts you want to search. No
    Billing Cycle Used to specify the billing cycle of the account. No
    Customer Class Used to specify the customer class of the account. No
  • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results appear based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Account ID Displays the account ID.
    Customer Name Displays the name of the main customer.
    Account Identifier Type Displays the account identifier type.
    Account Identifier Displays the value of the account identifier type.
    Account Currency Displays the invoice currency of the account.
    Division Displays the division to which the account belongs.
    Customer Class Displays the customer class of the account.
    Billing Cycle Displays the billing cycle during which the account is billed.

    On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the account, the Add Member zone appears with the details of the respective account.

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