Subscription Service Charges

The Subscription Service Charges zone displays the details of the charges related to the subscription services. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Subscription Charge Displays the charges related to the subscription service.
Charge Amount Displays the charges related to the subscription charge.
Charge Start Date Displays the date from when the charges are effective.
Charge End Date Displays the date till when the charges are effective.
One-Time Charge Indicates the one-time charges related to the subscription services. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

Recurring Charge Frequency Indicates the recurring charges paid for the subscription service.
Note: It appears when one-time charge option is selected.
Automatic Renewal Indicates whether the subscription service charges are set to automatic renewal. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

Cost Escalation (in Percentage) Displays the percentage in which the subscription charge amount must increase when the automatic renewal of the subscription is triggered.
Note: This field appears when Automatic Renewal check box is set to Yes.
Description on Bill Displays the description on the bill.