Viewing the Discount Arrangement Pricing Rule Details of a Parent Customer


To view the discount arrangement pricing rule details of a parent customer:

  1. Search for a parent customer whose pricing details you want to view in the Customer 360° View screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the View (The View Icon) icon corresponding to the parent customer whose pricing details you want to view.
    The Person tab appears in the Customer 360° Information screen.
  3. Click the Pricing tab.
    The Pricing tab appears.
  4. In the Parent Customer Pricing Rules zone, click the link in the Pricing Rule Information column corresponding to the pricing rule type whose details you want to view.
    The Pricing Rule screen appears. It contains the following zone:
    • Discount Arrangement - Displays the discount arrangement pricing rule of a parent customer. It contains the following sections:

      • Main - Displays basic details of the discount arrangement pricing rule.

      • Discount Details - Displays the eligibility criteria for a discount percentage and maximum discount amount that is allowed per claim.

      • Discount Limits - Displays the minimum and maximum discount limit defined on the contract.

      • Exclusions - Displays the entity (network or provider) which is excluded in the discount arrangement pricing rule.

      • Characteristics - Displays the characteristics defined for the discount arrangement pricing rule.

  5. View the basic details of the discount arrangement pricing rule in the Main section.
  6. View the discount details of the discount arrangement pricing rule in the Discount Details section.
  7. View the discount limits set on the discount arrangement pricing rule in the Discount Limits section.
  8. View the excluded entity defined for the discount arrangement pricing rule in the Exclusions section.
  9. View the characteristics of the discount arrangement pricing rule in the Characteristics section.

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Customer 360° Information - Pricing tab Customer 360° Information - Pricing Information
Parent Customer Pricing Rules zone Parent Customer Pricing Rules
Pricing Rule screen Pricing Rule (Used for Viewing)
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