C1_​GETELIGIBLEPROD Business Service

The C1_​GETELIGIBLEPROD business service enables you to derive the eligible active market products, offers, or bundles for the person or an account on the processing date. It also enables you to view the details of an eligible active market products, offers, or bundles which are effective on the processing date. You can call this business service from an external system through an inbound web service. If you want to send the request in the XML and/or JSON format, you need to ensure that you create a REST based inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing. However, if you want to send the request in the XML format, you can create a SOAP or REST based inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing.

You can extract the data in the following template:

  • Summary: Used to derive the details of the eligible active market products, offers, and/or bundles without pricing.

  • Detail: Used to derive the details of the eligible active market products, offers, and/or bundles with pricing.

To drive for an eligible active market products, offers, or bundles for the person or account, provide the following input parameters:

  • Product Category

  • Product Code

  • Product Type

  • Entity Type

  • Entity Code

  • Person account

  • Process Date

Note: Entity is referred to market product, offer or bundle.

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Parent Topic: Retail Banking Product Inbound Web Services