C1PRDCTENRL Business Service

The C1PRDCTENRL business service enables you to enroll the account to market product, offer, or bundle for the person.

The C1-CUSTACCSA algorithm is invoked to create new person, account, and contract, if the person, account, and contract is not created while account enrollment with passing parameter values received for this service. This algorithm is attached at Division's algorithm. This algorithm do the following:
  • Checks input service parameters which are required person such as person identifier type, person identifier type/value, account identifier, account identifier type/value, or division are not null. If the parameters are null the system send the error message.

  • Checks whether the person id or person identifier type values exist in the system. If the values are exist in the system then it retrieve the person details or set the values to create the new person in the system. The values are:

    • Person Type

    • Primary Person Name Type

    • Person Name

    • Primary Person Identifier Type

    • Primary Person Identifier Type Value

    • Division Code

    • Date of Birth

    • Effective Date

    • Address Type

    • Address Line 1

    • Address Line 2

    • Address Line 3

    • Address Line 4

    • Phone

    • City

    • State

    • Zip Code

    • Country

    • Email

    • Characteristic Effective Date

    • Characteristic Type

    • Characteristic Value

  • Get the required default values by fetching values configured at person defaulting template code passed as input to the algorithm. For example, Access Group

  • Invoke the personDTO.new.entity() or person BO to create new person in the system.

  • Create new account for person on successful person creation/retrieval.

  • Get the required default values by fetching values configured at account defaulting template code passed as input to the algorithm.

  • Sets required values to create new account in the system. The values are:
    • Customer Class - It can be fetched from account default template.

    • Access Group - It can be fetched from account default template.

    • Person ID - It can be used from retrieved or newly created person.

    • Account Source - It can be fetched from account default template.

    • Bill Route Type - It can be fetched from account default template. For example, Postal

    • Account Category - It can be fetched from account default template. For example, Usage

    • Relationship Type - It can be fetched from account default template. For example, Main Customer

    The input values from service are:
    • Setup Date - Account Opening Date

    • Invoice Currency - Account Currency Code

    • Account Closure Date - Closing date

    • Account Closure Date - Closing date

      Note: If the account closing date is provided then should not be less than Account Opening Date.
    • Account Number Type code - Account Identifier Type

    • Account Number - Account Identifier Value

    • Division - Division Code

  • Invokes the accountDTO.new.entity() or account BO to create new person in the system.

  • On successful account creation, to retrieve the distinct contract types configured at price items associated with market product. The values for contract creation are:
    • Account ID

    • Division

    • Contract Type

    • Start Date

    • End Date

The soft parameter of the algorithm are:
  • Person Defaulting Template - This parameter value is person defaulting template code. The parameter value is used to fetch default values required in the process of new person creation process.

  • Account Defaulting Template - This parameter value is account defaulting template code. The parameter value is used to fetch default values required in the process of new account creation process.

This business service enables to edit the enrollment status and close/stop the enrollment by using action flag. The valid values of action flag are:
  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Closed

The validation algorithm is executed before persisting the data using the business object. There are different validation for different action flag (Add, Edit, and Close) and different entities (Market Product, Offer and Bundle). The scenarios are:

If... Then...
The entity type is Market Product and value of action flag is Add
  • The market product should be in Active status while enrolling to the account. The account enrollment date should be within market product start date and end date.

  • The division code of the respective market product should be defined in which the account is opened.

The entity type is Market Product and value of action flag is Edit
The entity type is Market Product and value of action flag is Close
  • The system should not accept future date as account close date.

The entity type is Offer and value of action flag is Add/Edit
  • The account can be enrolled to only one active offer at a time.

  • The offer should be active while enrolling to the account.

  • The offer subscription date should be within offer start date and end date.

  • The account can be enrolled to the offer only if the market product in which that particular offer is defined is enrolled to the account.

  • If the enrollment status is either Active or Inactive for "Account ID + Offer Code" combination then the same account ID cannot be enrolled to that offer once again.

  • If there is Active offer subscribed to the account then same account cannot enroll to the other offer.

  • The division code of the respective offer should be defined in which the account is opened.

The entity type is Offer and value of action flag is Close
  • The system should not accept future date as account close date.

The entity type is Bundle and value of action flag is Add/Edit
  • The account can be enrolled to only one active bundle at a time.

  • The bundle should be active while enrolling to the account.

  • The bundle subscription date should be within bundle start date and end date.

  • The account numbers which are enrolled to the bundle should belongs to the same person.

  • The division code of the respective offer should be defined in which the account is opened.

  • If there is Active bundle subscribed to the account then same account cannot enroll to the other bundle.

The entity type is Bundle and value of action flag is Close
  • The system should not accept future date as account close date.

You can call this business service from an external system through an inbound web service. You can send the request in XML or JSON format through inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing.

If you want to send the request in the XML and/or JSON format, you need to ensure that you create a REST based inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing. However, if you want to send the request in the XML format, you can create a SOAP or REST based inbound web service in Oracle Revenue Management and Billing.

To search for viewing the details active market product, offer, or bundle for the person or account, provide the following input parameters:

  • Person Detail

  • Account Detail

  • Market Product Detail

  • Offer Detail

  • Bundle Detail

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Parent Topic: Retail Banking Product Inbound Web Services