Market Product, Offer, or Bundle Enrollment Request and Response - Tags in XML Format

Note: We recommend you to refer the topics Market Product, Offer, or Bundle Enrollment Request in the XML Format and Market Product, Offer, or Bundle Enrollment Response in the XML Format in parallel while understanding the below mentioned tags. This will help you to understand how the tags are nested in the XML format.

Before calling the C1PRDCTENRL business service through an inbound web service, you need to ensure that the market product, offer, or bundle enrollment request contains the following tags:

Tag Name Tag Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
enrollment Indicates the name of group tag which encapsulates the single enrollment request. No
Note: The market product should be enrolled to the account in the system before the offer or bundle is enrolled. The enrollment status for market product should be Active during enrollment and will change to Closed when action flag is pass as close.
Note: The market product, offer or bundle should be in Active status while enrolling to the account.
Note: When the service is called to enroll the account to offer / bundle subscription then offer / bundle subscription will created with the account which is already enrolled to market product.
Note: The enrollment start date of offer or bundle should be between start date and end date of the offer or bundle definition.
Note: If there is ‘Active Offer or Bundle subscription’ exists in the system then same account cannot be enrolled to other offer or bundle.
Note: Only one account can be enroll to one market product.
Note: The account can be enrolled to another offer if the existing offer enrollment is closed.
Note: The account can be enrolled to another bundle if the existing bundle enrollment is closed.
Note: Multiple accounts of the same person can be enrolled to the bundle. If multiple accounts of the person are enrolled to the bundle then bundle enrollment/subscription date and enrollment characteristics will be same for all accounts which are enrolled/subscribed to the bundle.
Note: The service will create new account if the account is not exist in the system while enrolling a market product to the person account.
Note: The service will create new person if the person is not exist in the system while enrolling a market product to the person account.
Note: The service will find contract types which are assigned to price items of the market product and creates the contract for each contract type.
enrollmentcharlist Indicates the name of group tag. No
characteristicValue Used to specify the characteristic value. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required if other characteristic value fields are not specified.
characteristicType Used to indicate the characteristic type for characteristics. Yes
effectiveDate Used to specify the effective date for characteristics. Yes
actionFlag Used to indicate for which action service is called. This service is called to add, edit, or close the enrollment. The valid values are:
  • Add

  • Edit

  • Close

Note: In edit market product scenario, the account closing date should not be null and it should be greater than account opening date.
Note: In edit market product scenario, you can only edit account characteristics. You cannot edit the other details.
Note: In edit offer/bundle scenario, you can only modify the status fromActive to Inactive or Inactive to Active.
Note: If service invokes Close account enrollment request to market product, then it will only close the enrollment to market product and not to offer or bundle.
Note: You should invoke another Close request to close enrollment to offer or bundle.
Note: In edit offer/bundle scenario, you can only modify the enrollment status fromActive to Inactive or Inactive to Active.
Note: If service invokes Close account enrollment request to the market product, then it will only close the enrollment to market product and not to the offer or bundle. The system should invoke another close request to close account enrollment to offer or bundle.
Note: To stop or close enrollment the system should pass Action Flag value as Close, the Action Flag value is edit and enrollment is close then the system will throw an error.
personDetails Indicates the name of group tag. No
personId Used to indicate Person ID. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required if person identifier type and value are not specified.
accountdetailslist Indicates the name of group tag. No
accountcharlist Indicates the name of group tag. No
characteristicValue2 Used to specify the characteristic value. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required if other characteristic value fields are not specified.
characteristicType2 Used to specify the characteristic type for characteristics. Yes
effectiveDate2 Used to specify the effective date for characteristics. Yes
actionFlag2 Used to indicate for which action service is called. This service is called to add, edit, or close the enrollment. The valid values are:
  • Add

  • Edit

  • Close

Note: In edit market product scenario, you can only edit account characteristics. You cannot edit the other details.

Used to indicate status of enrollment/subscription.

The valid values are:
  • Active

  • Inactive

  • Closed

Note: You can edit enrollment status only if the entity type is either offer or bundle.
Note: The Market Product is set to Active during the enrollment and remains the same even after the enrollment end date is stamped. The status will change to Closed only when the action flag passes the Close value.
  • The account can be enrolled to the offer if the status of the existing offer enrollment is Closed.

  • The account cannot be enrolled to another offer if Active offer enrollment already exists in the system.

Note: You cannot enroll to another bundle if one bundle enrollment is already exists for an account in the system. It can be enrolled if the status of existing bundle is Closed.
Note: The services which are associated with market product, offer, or bundle will be enrolled to the account. You cannot select or exclude the service available in market product, offer, or bundle.
closingDate Used to indicate the account close date.
Note: This will be considered as account enrollment end date.
Note: If the close date is specified, then the close date should be not be less than account opening date.
Note: This field is required if the entity type is market product.
accountId Used to indicate the account ID. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required if the entity type is market product.
currency Used to indicate the currency code of account. Yes
setUpDate Used to specify the date which is used as account enrollment date and new account setup date.
Note: This date should not be the future date.
division Used to indicate the division to which the account belongs. Yes
accountNumber Used to indicate the bank account number. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required if the account identifier type is specified.
accountIdentifierType Used to indicate the account identifier type. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required if the Account ID is not specified.
personcharlist Indicates the name of group tag. No
characteristicValue3 Used to specify the characteristic value. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required if other characteristic value fields are not specified.
characteristicType3 Used to specify the characteristic type for characteristics. Yes
effectiveDate3 Used to specify the effective date for characteristics. Yes
emailAddress Used to specify email address of the person. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
country Used to indicate the country where person belongs to. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
state Used to indicate the state where person belongs to. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
city Used to indicate the city where person belongs to. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
address4 Used to indicate address line. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
address3 Used to indicate address line. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
address2 Used to indicate address line. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
address1 Used to indicate address line. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
addressTypeFlg Used to indicate type of address. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
creationDateTime Used to specify the date and time when the person exists in the system. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
birthDate Used to indicate the date of birth of the person. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
division2 Used to indicate the division to which the person account belongs. No
personIdNumber Used to indicate the person ID. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required if the person identifier type and value is not specified.
personIdentifiers Used to indicate the person identifier. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required either person type or ID.
personNames Used to specify the person name whose account you want to create. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
nameType Used to indicate the person name type of the person name. Yes(Conditional)
Note: This field is required for new customer.
startDate Used to indicate offer/bundle enrollment start date. This date should not be back date.
Note: It is applicable only to the offer/bundle .
Note: This field is required if action flag is set to add and entity type is offer or bundle.
Note: If the date is not specified then the field is set to the system date.
comments Used to specify additional comments while enrollment. No
entityCode Used to indicate the entity code.
Note: Entity is referred to market product, offer or bundle.
entityType Used to indicate the type of entity for which enrollment is done. Yes

The following table lists and describes the tags which appear in the eligible active market products, offers, or bundles derivation response XML format:

Tag Name Tag Description
error Indicates the name of group tag.
errorDescription Displays the error description.
errorMsgText Displays the error message.
messageNumber Displays the number of the message.
erroCategory Displays the category of the error.
enrollResponse Indicates the name of group tag which encloses the complete response of the service.
messageText Displays the success message of the enrollment.
productEnrollmentId Displays the product enrollment ID.

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