Copying an Offer

Instead of creating an offer from scratch, you can create a new offer using an existing offer. This is possible through copying an offer. On copying an offer, the details including the associated divisions, characteristics, services, and the price list are copied to the new offer. You can then edit the details, if required.


To copy an offer, you should have:

  • Offer(whose copy you want to create) defined in the application


To copy an offer:

  1. Search for an offer in the Offer screen whose copy you want to create.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the Copy () icon in the Copy column corresponding to the offer whose copy you want to create.
    The Offer Information screen appears. It contains the following pages:
    The Basic Details page contains the following zone:

    The Basic Details zone contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Offer Code Used to specify the offer code. Yes
    Offer Name Used to specify the offer. Yes
    Description Used to specify the description for the offer. No
    Start Date Used to specify the date from when the offer is effective. Yes
    End Date Used to specify the date till when the offer is effective. Yes
    Terms and Conditions Used to associate terms and conditions with the offer.
    Note: The Search (The Search Icon) appears corresponding to the Terms and Conditions field. On clicking the Search icon, the Terms and Conditions Search for Product window appears where you can associate the terms and conditions with the offer.

    The Basic Details zone contains the Add Market Products section. This section contains following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Market Product Name Used to indicate the search value of the market product name.
    Note: The Search (The Search Icon) appears corresponding to the Market Product Name field. On clicking the Search icon, the window appears where you can associate the terms and conditions with the product.
    Product Category Displays the product category associated with the selected market product. Not applicable
    Product Type Displays the product type associated with the selected market product. Not applicable
    Product Name Displays the product associated with the selected market product. Not applicable
  3. Enter the required details in the Basic Details page.
  4. Associate or disassociate the offer with a market product in the Basic Details page.
  5. Associate or disassociate the offer from a division in the Other Details page, if required.
  6. Add, edit, or remove the characteristics from the offer in the Other Details page, if required.
  7. Add, edit, or remove the eligibility rule from the offer in the Eligibility page, if required
  8. Add, edit, or remove the services from the offer in the Eligibility page, if required
  9. Add, edit, or remove the price list from the offer in the Price List page, if required
  10. Click Submit.
    A window appears confirming the offer is submitted in the system.
  11. Click the Close button in the confirmation window.
    Note: You cannot edit fields from the Services page when a service is already associated to the product.
    The new offer is added.

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How to search for an offer Searching for an Offer
Offer screen Search Offer
How to associate the offer with a market product Associating the Offer with a Market Product
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How to define a characteristic for the offer Defining a Characteristic for the Offer
How to define eligibility Criteria for the offer Defining Eligibility Criteria for the Offer
How to add a service for an offer Adding a Service for an Offer
How to associate a price list with an offer Associating a Price List with an Offer