Manual Trial Bill Generation Invoice Request

The manual regular bill generation invoice request and manual trial bill generation invoice request are created and processed identically with the following exceptions:

  • On submitting the manual trial bill generation invoice request for an account, the system does not check whether the number of the billable charges of the account exceed the defer processing billable charge count. Therefore, the manual trial bill generation invoice request is always processed in the deferred mode.

  • You need to specify the following parameters while executing the BILLOPEN, BSGENREQ, and POSTPROC batches:

    • Bill Generation Type (set to Trial)

    • Description for Trial Billing Batch Run

    • Off Cycle Switch (set to Y)

  • The BSGENREQ batch will not freeze and complete a trail bill for the account.

  • At present, a To Do is not generated for a trial bill review, and therefore the system does not check whether a To Do is generated for a trial bill review.