Invoice Request (Used for Viewing)

The Invoice Request screen allows you to:

  • View the details of the invoice request

  • Edit the details of the invoice request

  • Delete the invoice request

  • Submit the invoice request for processing

  • Approve or reject the invoice request

  • Cancel the invoice request

  • View the log of the invoice request

  • Add a log entry for the invoice request

It consists of the following tabs:

Related Topics

For more information on... See...
How to view the details of an invoice request Viewing the Invoice Request Details
How to edit an invoice request Editing an Invoice Request
How to delete an invoice request Deleting an Invoice Request
How to cancel an invoice request Canceling an Invoice Request
How to submit an invoice request Submitting an Invoice Request
How to approve an invoice request Approving an Invoice Request
How to reject an invoice request Rejecting an Invoice Request
How to request for resubmitting an invoice request Requesting to Resubmit an Invoice Request
How to view the log of an invoice request Viewing the Log of an Invoice Request
How to add a log entry for an invoice request Adding a Log Entry for an Invoice Request

Parent topic: Invoice Request for Health Insurance Business