Submitting an Invoice Request


To submit an invoice request, you should have:

  • The status of the invoice request in the Draft status.

  • The invoice request type as Manual.


To submit an invoice request:

  1. Search for the invoice request in the Search Invoice Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Invoice Request Information column corresponding to the invoice request that you want to submit.
    The Invoice Request screen appears.
  3. Click the Submit button in the Invoice Request zone.

    The system behaves in the following manner:

    If... Then...
    The Approval Required option is selected in the respective invoice request type The status of the invoice request is changed to Approval In Progress. In this status, you can perform various actions on the invoice request, such as, Approve or Reject or Return To Submitter. If the approver clicks the Approve button, the status of the invoice request is changed to Approval In Progress. If the approver clicks the Reject button, the status of the invoice request is changed to Rejected. If the approver clicks the Return To Submitter button, a To Do is generated and the invoice request is changed to Draft. The submitter updates the invoice request and redirects it back to the approver for approval purposes.
    The Approval Required option is not selected in the respective invoice request type and the entity type is Person The status of the invoice request is changed to Processed, or Deferred Processing or Deferred Processing - Batch.
    The Approval Required option is not selected in the respective invoice request type, and the entity type is Account, and the billable charge count exceeds the defer processing billable charge count The status of the invoice request is changed to Deferred Processing - Batch.
    The Approval Required option is not selected in the respective invoice request type, and the entity type is Account, and the billable charge count does not exceed the defer processing billable charge count, and the invoice processing date does not exceed the system date The status of the invoice request is changed to Processed else it is changed to Defer Processing.

    The Submit button appears when the invoice request is in the Draft status and invoice request type is Manual.

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How to search for an invoice request Searching for an Invoice Request
Invoice Request screen Invoice Request (Used for Viewing)
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