To Do Report

The To Do report enables you to view the notifications (i.e. To Dos) assigned to a user and its current status. While generating the To Do report, you can specify the following parameters - Start Date, End Date, To Do Type, To Do Type Description, Assigned User, Created By, Status, Operator, and To Do Age. The start date is mandatory. If you do not specify the end date, the system by default sets it to the system date. For example, if you specify the start date as 06-01-2022 and To Do type as C1-ACCL, the system will extract all To Dos which are created using the C1-ACCL To Do type from 06-01-2022 till the current date. While filtering the data using the To Do age, you need to specify the operator along with the To Do age. The system supports the following operators: Greater Than (>), Less Than (<), Less Than Equal To (<=), Greater Than Equal To (>=), and Equal To (=). For example, if you specify the start date as 06-01-2022, To Do age as 50, and operator as >, the system will extract all To Dos which are open in the system since more than 50 days.

You can generate the To Do report from the user interface or through a batch process in the PDF format. We have shipped the following To Do reports in this release:

  • FOPTODOBPDF - Used when you want to generate the To Do report through the C1-RPTGN batch in the PDF format.

  • FOPTODOOPDF - Used when you want to generate the To Do report from the user interface in the PDF format.