1 What’s New for Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform

Learn about the new and changed features of Oracle Hospitality Integration Cloud Service.

Release 24.1 — April 2024

Feature Description

Call Type Included on Analytics Download

The ability to specify call type on analytics now filters through to the downloads report allowing users to analyze call usage by streaming and REST API calls.

Contact Information Mandatory on Applications

Contact information is now mandatory on applications allowing users to specify the correct email and phone number in case of incidents and alerts.

Enterprise Access for Customers on OPERA Cloud Identity Management

OPERA Cloud Services users with multiple chain level access can now select the chain they want to administer while logging in to the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform customer portal. This also allows the user to switch between chains in the customer portal without the need to log in again. For more information, see Signing In to the Oracle Hospitality Developer Portal in the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform User Guide.

Migration Feature for Seamless Transition from SSD Environments to OPERA Cloud Identity Management Environments

Provides a seamless transition for Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform customers by migrating their existing partner connections, applications, streaming configurations, API access, and analytics in the developer portal when migrating from SSD to OCIM. This also provides a pre-migration capability that enables customers and partners to prepare for migration by allowing them to regenerate client credentials in advance of the actual migration date, thereby reducing the time needed to switch to a client credentials-based authentication. For more information, see Migrating to Client Credentials-Based Authentication Scheme in the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform User Guide.

OPERA Cloud Services Property APIs

The OPERA Cloud Services property APIs have been updated to OPERA Cloud Services version 23.5.

New and Updated API Operations

New operations:
  • stayRecords Asynchronous Operation — A new asynchronous operation called stayRecords is available in a new CRM Asynchronous API. This allows you to import stay records into OPERA Cloud, for example when moving from another Property Management System.

  • blockAllocationProcess Asynchronous Operation — A new asynchronous operation called BlockAllocationProcess is available in the Block Asynchronous API. This allows you to update a block's room grid, including inventory and rates. Using this operation ensures that updates for large blocks with multiple room types have time to process and update OPERA Cloud efficiently.

  • blockChangesByTimeDate — A blockChangesByTimeDate operation is added to the Block API. You can search for blocks created, updated, and/or deleted within a maximum 3-day date range. The response includes block id, block code, array of external system and external system id, block start date, block end date, room status, catering status (if applicable), and last change date and time. If a block was created and deleted in the time period of your search, the query does not return this information. If a block is created and updated, the create information is returned. If a block is updated only, it returns the update. If a block is updated and deleted, it returns the delete.

  • get/put/removeCutoffSchedule — Three new operations are added to the Block (BLK) API: getCutoffScheduleDetails, putCutoffScheduleCode, and removeCutoffScheduleCode. Use these operations to fetch details about a blocks cutoff schedule, or to update the cutoff Schedule, or delete the cutoff Schedule.

  • vacantRoomStatus — The following operations are available in the Room Configuration API:
    • getVacantRoomStatus — You can use this to fetch vacant room status configuration.

    • postVacantRoomStatus — You can use this to create new vacant room status configuration. This can be for specific room types for a defined date range, number of days, or both date range and number of days together.

    • putVacantRoomStatus — You can use this to update an existing vacant rooms status configuration.

    • deleteVacantRoomStatus — You can use this to delete existing vacant room status configuration.

Updated operations:
  • getBlockAllocationSummary — When calling the getBlockAllocationSummary operation in the Block Asyncronous API, with request parameters startLastModifiedDate and endLastModifiedDate, block change log entries are also considered along with the block header update date. This ensures that all block changes are considered when calling this operation.

  • getBlocks and putBlocks — The getblocks and putblocks operations in Block (BLK) API are updated with an autoloadForecastGrid element.

  • getProfileMembershipStatistics and getMembershipIssueAwardsList — The getProfileMembershipStatistics operation in the Customer Relationship Management API is updated with new query parameters (transactionDate, hotelId, confirmationNumber, limit, offset) and response body parameters (totalPages, offset, limit, hasMore, totalResults, count). This allows you to search membership transactions based on the transactionDate, hotelId, and confirmationNumber, along with paginations.

  • getRoomKeys — The getRoomKeys operation in the Front Office API now includes a query parameter called includeInactiveRoomKeys. Setting this to True allows any inactive room key details to be included in the response.

  • getInventoryItems and postInventoryItems — The getInventoryItems and postInventoryItems operations in the Inventory API include a TracesPerDay element. Setting TracesPerDay to true creates the traces for all inventory days in the reservation.

  • Get, Post, Put, and deleteActivityBookings — In the Leisure Management API (LMS), the following operations are now available for use:
    • getActivityBookings

    • postActivityBooking

    • putActivityBooking

    • deleteActivityBooking

  • getHotels — The getHotels operation in the Price Availability Rate (PAR) API is updated with a websiteAddress element in the response. This new element is within the hotelSummaryInfoType definition.

  • getRoomsSummary — The getRoomsSummary operation in the Room Configuration API now includes Room Status, Component Room Info, and Component Suite Info in the response.

  • copyRatePlans — The copyRatePlans operation in the Rate API includes an approvalStatus element that allows rate code approval should the property have the Rate Code Approval OPERA Cloud Control activated.

  • getHotelReservations — The getHotelReservations operation in the Reservation API allows you to research by the externalReferenceLegId query parameter. This is useful when searching for itinerary reservations as they have the same confirmation number (external reference number) but different leg numbers.

  • Reservation — The postReservationLinksByChain, postReservationLinks, and postReservationLinksByExtId operations in the Reservations API provide a new, optional request attribute for hotelId to define the property where a given reservationIdList belongs. A new optional query parameter hotelId is added to the getReservationIndicators operation to define the property where a given reservationId belongs. The hotelid is needed when the reservationId is no longer unique across properties in a multi-tenant environment.

Release 23.4 — November 2023

Feature Description

Hotel ID in Analytics Download

Analytics now provides aggregation by x-hotelids in the download report for the x-hotelids. This new parameter is available in the analytics search parameters.

Streaming API Parameter

A new optional parameter named ‘offsetType’ is added to the streaming API. This parameter only returns the latest event and previous events are not returned. Refer to the notes in the user guide for guidance and constraints on using this parameter.

Streaming Retry Buttons

If a system error occurs while configuring streaming applications in the OHIP developer portal, customers and partners can now retry the failed configuration without the need to reconfigure the entire application.

Nor1 Upgrades API

The Nor1 Upgrades API now supports offer descriptions in multiple languages by passing the language code in the Accept-Language header parameter in the API request.

The providerId header parameter is no longer mandatory.

The following REST API operations are now available as v1 APIs:
  • Get Upsell Offers

  • Post Upsell Offers

OPERA Cloud Property APIs

The OPERA Cloud property APIs have been updated to OPERA Cloud version 23.2. With this release, all operations are now available as v1. As announced on the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform Upcoming Major Changes Customer Support Portal page, consumers should aim to move to v1 within the next 12 months. For example, this involves changing the following:

get {HostName}/rsv/v0/hotels/{hotelId}/reservations/{reservationId}/linked


get {HostName}/rsv/v1/hotels/{hotelId}/reservations/{reservationId}/linked

See the list below for the new API capabilities. Among these APIs are the new Room Rotation features with the OPERA Cloud Room Rotation Service API and the OPERA Cloud Room Rotation Configuration Service API.

These new APIs can be tested in any OPERA Cloud 23.2 environment. For integration partners, a new sandbox on OPERA Cloud 23.2 is coming soon.

New APIs:
  • deleteAdvanceRoomCharges

  • getCompPostingJournal

  • getFinancialPostingsNetVat

  • getFiscalSupportingDocuments

  • getHotelCreditCardWallet

  • getEligibleBillAmount

  • resendSupportingDocument

  • postFiscalInfo

  • postAwardTransaction

  • getReservationsForCommissions

  • getTravelAgentsForCommissions

  • getReservationStatusStatistics

  • getAiraLastRunStatus

  • getCommissionPaymentDetails

  • putRoomKeys

  • deleteTransactionDiscounts

  • getGlobalExchangeRatesInfo

  • getTransactionDiscounts

  • postTransactionDiscounts

  • deleteGlobalExchangeRates

  • setGlobalExchangeRates

  • putTransactionDiscounts

  • getHotelInterfaceControllerRegistry

  • getHotelInterfaceErrors

  • getHotelInterfaceFailedMessages

  • getHotelInterfaceSchemas

  • getBlockInventoryStatisticsMultipleHotelIds

  • getExternalYieldMarketType

  • deleteRoomOwnerReferral

  • deleteRoomOwner

  • getRoomOwnerReferrals

  • getProfileRoomOwners

  • postRoomRotationRules

  • postRoomOwnerReferrals

  • postRoomOwner

  • putRoomOwnerReferral

  • putRoomOwner

  • getReservationsSummary

  • postCancelShareReservation

Release 23.3 — August 2023

Feature Description

Approve Partner Connections for Client Credentials-Based Authentication

An approval feature is now available within the Customer Developer Portal for client credentials authentication scheme-based partner integrations.

Authentication Scheme Details and Enterprise ID on Environment Card

The details for the authentication scheme supported by the environment now appear on the environment card within the Environments tab of the Developer Portal. This information enables developer portal users to understand which scheme to use per customer environment. The Enterprise ID relevant to that environment also appears on the environment card.

Request Environments for Client Credentials-Based Authentication

Self-service environment management within the Developer Portal enables partners to request connections for the client credentials authentication scheme.

*These features will only be available for Environments running on OPERA Cloud Identity Manager.

Release 23.2 — May 2023

Feature Description

Oracle Hospitality Digital Learning

Oracle Hospitality Digital Learning content is available for Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP). There are two available Learning Paths for content:
  • Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP) Learning Path is designed for OPERA Cloud Foundation Customers who wish to access OHIP at their organization. The Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP) Learning Path will provide an overview of the benefits, highlight features, and provide instruction on the fundamentals of OHIP.

  • Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP) for Integrators Learning Path is designed for Oracle Hospitality Integration Cloud Service Integrators (also known as Integration Partners) who wish to access OHIP. The Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform (OHIP) path will provide an overview of the benefits, highlight features, and provide instruction on the fundamentals of OHIP.

Learning Paths are also available for other Oracle Hospitality products including Oracle Hospitality OPERA.

API Catalog

If an application uses the Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) Hospitality Adapter, users can now subscribe to this through the Developer portal by selecting the API Catalog subscription. The API Catalog programmatically lists all the endpoints that can be called by a given application key in Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) Hospitality Adapter.

Front Desk Operations Service

The following new REST API operation is available in OPERA Cloud 23.2:
  • getReservationStatusStatistics

getReservationStatusStatistics is provided to fetch current business date counts for reservations that are in the status of Due Out, Checked Out, Due In, and Checked In, grouped by room class and room types.

New Distribution APIs

Early Release Distribution Book API
  • Meal plan information, points of interest, and transportation information around the property (if defined by the property user) are now returned as part of the booking response and retrieval of the booking. 

  • It is now possible to include the address, email, and phone number of a company associated with the booking.

  • It is now possible to indicate a sub-channel code when making and modifying a booking.

  • Luhn Algorithm is now used for credit card validation in case a token is not provided. If the applicable guarantee requires a credit card to be provided, the reservation will not be created if the algorithm does not accept this credit card number. 

  • The release time of the guarantee policy is now returned in the booking response. After that time, a booking without a guarantee may be canceled by the property.

  • The new element guarantee Type can now be used to create a reservation using OTA industry standard guarantee types. The Guarantee Code can still be used as an alternative if the channel prefers to send the OPERA guarantee code instead. 

Early Release Distribution Content API
  • A new Content API has been introduced to allow channel partners to retrieve property information. It can be used in conjunction with Shop, Book, and Reservation Notification to retrieve additional content made available for the channel and to facilitate the onboarding of properties on the channel.

Early Release Distribution Reservation Notification API
  • It is now possible to include the address, email, and phone number of a company associated with the booking.

  • OPERA Package element codes (services) can now be added to a specific reservation via reservation notification messages.  

  • The new element guarantee Type can now be used to create a reservation using OTA industry standard guarantee types.  

Early Release Distribution Shop API
  • A new Property Availability Calendar operation is now available. It allows external channels to retrieve a list of arrival dates, availability status, and pricing information for a date range between 1 and 62 days maximum. This API can be used to present an availability calendar on a web booking engine. The pricing returned will be the lowest public rates available for each arrival date. 

  • It is now possible to shop availability by promotion codes. Multiple promotion codes can be used in one single request. All rates associated with those promotion codes will be returned if available.

  • Alternate property is now only returned if available for the requested dates.

  • The guarantee Type using OTA industry standards and the property system guarantee code (non-standard) are now returned in Shop responses. 

OPERA Property Asynchronous APIs

From OPERA Cloud 22.5 forward, an enhancement was made to validate the externalSystemCode in the URL of Asynchronous APIs. Before calling these APIs, verify that you have created an external system in OPERA Cloud by following steps 1 and 2 in the Configuring the Polling Subscription topic.

OPI Token Exchange Service API

This new API is the first OPI service available via OHIP.

Reservations created via third-party channels often include a credit card number to secure the booking. The openPaymentBulkTokenExchange API allows partners to exchange the credit card numbers for tokens using the Payment Service Provider to which OPERA Cloud is integrated for payment processing. The tokens are then stored in OPERA against the reservation and can be used as needed for subsequent payments.

Release 23.1 — February 2023

Feature Description

API Documentation

Enhanced API specifications offering the following:
  • Quicker performance on loading the specs.

  • Ability to search within the embedded documentation.

Business Use Cases

Business Use Cases is a new page in the developer portal with frequent business use case articles that enable users to gain a greater understanding of complex use cases when building apps. This includes the following articles with more articles coming soon:
  • Blocks

  • Business Events and Streaming

  • Nor1 Upsell

  • Payments

  • Property Interface - Posting Charges

  • RMS - Revenue Management Systems

Security Guide Banner

A banner with a link to the security guide now appears when users first log in to the applications page. This banner provides clear guidance on how to securely create your app.

Streaming Enabled for OPERA Cloud

Streaming is now automatically enabled on every gateway protecting OPERA Cloud environments on OPERA Cloud version To get started, customers must engage with Oracle Professional Services.

Early Release Distribution Book API

  • Meal plan information, points of interest, and transportation information around the property, if defined by the property user, are now returned as part of the booking response and retrieval of the booking. 

  • The address, email, and phone number of a company associated with the booking can be included.

  • A sub-channel code can be indicated when making and modifying a booking.

  • Luhn Algorithm is now used for credit card validation if a token is not provided. If the applicable guarantee requires a credit card and the algorithm does not accept the credit card number, the reservation will not be created. 

  • The release time of the guarantee policy is now returned in the booking response. After that time, a booking without a guarantee can be canceled by the property.

Early Release Distribution Reservation Notification API

It is now possible to include the address, email, and phone number of a company associated with the booking.

Early Release Distribution Shop API

A new Property Availability Calendar operation is now available. It allows external channels to retrieve a list of arrival dates, availability statuses, and pricing information for a date range between 1 and 62 days maximum. This API can be used to present an availability calendar on a web booking engine. The pricing returned will be the lowest available public rates for each arrival date.

With this API, you can shop availability by promotion codes. Multiple promotion codes can be used in a single request, and all available rates associated with those promotion codes will be returned.

Nor1 Integrated Upsell API

The Nor1 Integrated Upsell API is the first Nor1 service available via OHIP. The API can be consumed to display upgrade offers to a hotel guest prior to arrival, and it allows instant fulfillment of the upgrade offer.

Upgrade offers are based on the Nor1 Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and OPERA real-time inventory. 

The following operations are included in this API:
  • getUpsellOffers — Allows a user to retrieve a list of available upsell offers. 

  • postUpsellOffers — Allows a user to update a reservation with an offer selected. 

To consume this API, the hotel must purchase the Nor1 eXpress Room Upgrade.

Property OPERA Cloud Cashiering API

The Cashiering API has been enhanced to enable many useful capabilities, such as creating, updating, and fetching the following:
  • deposit payments

  • billing payments

  • billing charges

  • fixed charges

  • routing instructions

  • folios

  • credit card authorizations

  • checkouts

  • hotel revenue

  • financial postings

  • guest transactions

Property OPERA Cloud Content Service API

The Content Service API has been enhanced with several additional capabilities, such as uploading and getting images and file attachments.

Property OPERA Cloud Rate API

The Rate API has been enhanced with several additional capabilities, such as getRatePlans, postRatePlan, getRatePlan, and the ability to manage rate plan schedules.

Property OPERA Cloud Reservations Asynchronous API

A new query parameter has been added to the existing Reservations Daily Summary operation to allow querying by last modified date.

The Reservations Daily Summary resource now returns net rates as well as gross rates.

Release 22.4 — October 2022

Feature Description

Unsubscribe from Events in Pending Status

Developer portal users can now unsubscribe from events that are pending approval or that are rejected to enable housekeeping of unwanted events.

Change an Event on Existing Event Subscriptions

Developer portal users can now directly update existing events in a subscription and resubscribe as required.

Edit Hotels for Existing Event Subscriptions

(Customer) Developer portal users can now edit hotels to existing event subscriptions for both customer and partner applications.

Filter by Streaming or REST

Developer portal users can now filter Analytics by REST APIs or Streaming for better analysis of API/Events utilization.

Filter on Deprecated APIs

Developer portal users can now use a predefined filter for Deprecated APIs to search and filter on APIs that have been deprecated. This feature is available on the API search page.

Enhanced Descriptions for Workflows

API users can now view improved descriptions of Postman Workflows to enable better visibility of the operation on the API Page.

Release 22.3 — June 2022

Feature or bug number Description

Edit an Application Subscription

Developer Portal users can now edit an application subscription in the Subscriptions tab of the Applications page.

Download CSV File in Analytics

Developer Portal users can now download analytics to a csv file. This is available on the Analytics page and on the Analytics tab at the application level.

Organization Filter on Analytics

Hotelier Developer Portal users can now filter analytics by organization. This includes the ability to filter on specific partner integrations calling their environments.

Early Release Distribution Book API

New operations are available to Developer Portal users joining the OPERA Cloud Distribution Early Adopter Distribution Program. These new operations enable a partner using Distribution Shop API to hold and cancel reservations. The following new operations are available:
  • postOnHoldReservation

  • postCancelReservation

Release 22.2 — April 2022

Feature or bug number Description

Delete an Application

Developer Portal users can now delete an application in the Applications page of the Developer Portal.

Remove an Environment

Developer Portal users can now remove an environment in the Environments page of the Developer Portal.

Reissue Client Secret on Environments

Developer Portal users can now reissue their Client Secret on any environment in the Environments page of the Developer Portal.

Enhanced Error Messages when Adding Environments

Partner Portal users can now view more informative error messages when the add environment feature encounters an error. This enhancement speeds up support resolution by enabling users to identify the exact cause of the error and then quote both the error message and the error code when raising a My Oracle Support ticket.

Partner Owned Lab Environments Automatically Added

Partner owned OPERA labs are automatically added to the Environments page of the Developer Portal.

Release 22.1.1 — March 2022

Feature or bug number Description

Call Usage Alerting

Usage Alerts will send an email when your usage is getting near to or has exceeded the limit assigned for calls to a given environment by a given application. This can be configured on the Usage Alerts tab in the Applications page.

Early Release Distribution Shop API

This new API is available to Developer Portal users joining the OPERA Cloud Distribution Early Adopter Distribution Program.

It enables a partner to query availability for a list of properties and view specific offer details.

The following operations are included in this API:
  • getProperties

  • getPropertyOffers

  • getPropertyOffer

Early Release Distribution Book API

This new API is available to Developer Portal users joining the OPERA Cloud Distribution Early Adopter Distribution Program.

It enables a partner using Distribution Shop API to create, modify, and cancel reservations.

The following operations are included in this API:
  • postReservation

  • putReservation

  • postCancelReservation

Early Release Distribution Reservation Notification API

This new API is available to Developer Portal users joining the OPERA Cloud Distribution Early Adopter Distribution Program.

It enables channels to deliver reservations from external distribution systems to hotel systems (creation, modification/cancellations).

The following operations are included in this API:
  • postReservationNotif

  • putReservationNotif

  • postCancelReservationNotif

Activity API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • deleteActivityAttachmentWithoutHotelId

Accounts Receivables API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • putInvoiceDetails

Availability (PAR) API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • getHotelAvailabilityCRO

  • validateReservationGuarantees

Cashiering API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • authorizeCreditCardAmountByProfile

  • getCCAuthorizationInstructionsByProfile

  • getMaturedDeposits

  • postZeroBalanceCheckoutReservations

Content Service API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • getCustomizedLetter

  • emailFolioReport

  • setCustomizedLetter

  • getFolioReport

  • getRegistrationCard

Events API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • changeEventsResourcesByChain

Export Configuration API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • getExportColumnsAndFunctions

  • postExportSchedules

  • deleteExistingExportMappings

  • deleteExportMappings

  • getExportSchedules

Front Desk API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • associateCommissionAgentToReservations

  • calculateCommissions

  • changeCommission

  • changeCommissionCheck

  • changeCommissionPaymentActivityByRange

  • discardCommissionChecks

  • getBankAccounts

  • getCommission

  • getCommissionNotes

  • getCommissionPaymentsActivity

  • getCommissions

  • getSuggestedRooms

  • processCommissionPayments

  • recalculateCommissionOnCodeChange

  • removeCommission

  • removeCommissionAgentFromReservations

  • reprintCommissionCheckByRange

  • setProcessingInstructions


The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • getAvailableProfileOwnerRoomsLOV

Reservations API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • validateRateInfo

  • postReservationLinksByChain

  • deleteReservationLinksByChain

  • getSellMessageConfigByChain

  • postSellMessageConfigByChain

  • putSellMessageConfigByChain

  • deleteSellMessageConfigByChain

  • postReservationLinksByChain

Room Rotation Configuration API

The following new operations are available in OPERA Cloud 21.5:
  • getRotationPeriod

  • putRotationPeriod

Updates to API Operations

The prefixes of some operation IDs have been updated in the OPERA Cloud 21.5 release, whereby:
  • fetch is now called get

  • create is now called post

  • update is now called put

  • remove is now called delete

To align with the correct REST Standards, some operations in the following modules have been updated:
  • Rate

  • Reservation Configuration

  • Reservation

  • Room Configuration

  • Front Desk

  • Front Desk Configuration

  • Event Configuration

  • Enterprise Configuration

  • CRM Configuration

Release 22.1 — February 2022

Feature or bug number Description

API Search Engine

Enhanced Search capability is now available for the API page. You can now filter by modules, workflows, lifecycle, and method, or you can search by free text to find an API or operation that meets your business case. Search results include operation level details from which you can access links to the API documentation and the Postman sample.

Additional Postman Collections

There are now over 2000 sample messages by module in the Postman collection. In addition, there are now 20 sample workflows available in the Workflow Postman collection.

Enhancements to GraphiQL

The GraphiQL client, available via our public Github repository, has been enhanced with the following features:
  • Welcome message

  • getHelp feature

  • Clearer schema documentation

  • New optional “delta” input parameter for returning only changed fields

  • Automatic conversion of the scheme from https to wss in the URL field

  • Improved error checking, including resilience to slightly incorrect URLs

  • Save button has been removed with the Start button accomplishing all connection steps

Release 21.4.1 — December 2021

Feature or bug number Description

Property Level Support on Adding Environments 

On the Environments page, developer portal users can now add an environment using an integration user who has access only to specific properties within the chain.

Additional Early Adopter Property APIs

See the Early Adopter section in the user guide for details.

Early Release Distribution Reservation Notification API

This new API is available to Developer Portal users joining the Early Adopter Distribution Program.

New CRM API Operations

There is one new API operation in the OPERA Cloud Customer Relationship Management API list:
  • getAvailablePreferences

New FOF API Operations

There is one new API operation in the OPERA Cloud Front Desk Operations API:
  • getFrontOfficeStatisticsWithDateRange

New FOFCFG API Operations

There are 61 new operations in the OPERA Cloud Front Desk Master Data Management API.


New LOV API Operations

There are four new API operations in the OPERA Cloud List of Values Management API:
  • getFiscalPaymentMethodsLOV

  • getRoomRotationGroupsLOV

  • getRoomRotationUnitGradesLOV

  • getOrganizationsLOV


The API documentation for the getBlock API operation has been updated to align the sample message to the datatype.


The startBlockAllocationSummaryProcess API operation now accepts any date in the past or future.

Release 21.4 — November 2021

Feature or bug number Description

Streaming API for Business events push 

A new Steaming API for business event push is now available. This API is based on GraphQL Subscriptions and uses WebSocket as the transport. It enables real-time streaming of business events. From the Developer Portal, users can now configure and subscribe to business events generated across any OPERA Cloud property with streaming enabled. In addition, the GraphiQL client is now available in our GitHub repository, so users can quickly and easily test their subscriptions. In this release, the streaming API is only available to the early adopters of this feature.

Analytics Page

An interactive analytics page is available in the developer portal enabling portal users to gain full insight into how the Oracle Hospitality REST APIs are used within an organization including total traffic, traffic success, and errors.

Application Analytics Tab

An analytics tab is available to enable portal users to view interactive analytical information about all of the APIs used at the application level.

Analytics Error Analysis

An error analysis table indicating http error status codes is now available.

Improve Description on Environment Tab to Include Organization Code

The description on the Environments page now includes both the customer name and the organization code to ensure all environments are uniquely named as more environments are onboarded.

OHIP  Available in the JAPAC Region

OHIP is now available in the JAPAC region.

Additional Postman Collections

There are now over 1800 sample messages in our postman collection by module. Furthermore, there are now 9 sample workflows available in the Workflow postman collection.

Release 21.3.1 — July 2021

Feature or bug number Description

Application Key Copy

The application key can now be copied from the Application Listing screen without going to view details. The copy functionality has also been added to the Details page for the application key.


It is now possible to bookmark the Developer Portal URL for partners so they no longer need to open it from the Oracle Cloud account every time.

Application View Details

On the Applications page, it is now possible to open the View Details link on an application using the keyboard.

APIs Page Intermittent Errors

The APIs page now loads consistently.

Add Environment User Name

The integration user name field on the Add Environment feature now accepts all valid integration user names.


  • It is now possible to use getReservations to search for reservations using an external reference number.

  • getAvailableUpsells now correctly returns upsell offers.

  • It is now possible to filter getRoomTypes to retrieve only non-pseudo rooms (pseudo=false).

  • It is now possible to filter getRoomTypes to retrieve only non-physical rooms (physical=false).

  • The query parameter "fetchInstructions" is now consistently plural throughout the OPERA APIs.

  • getReservationsById now returns as expected when the supplied reservationId is invalid.

  • When specified in the fetchInstructions query parameter, the following fetchInstructions are now reflected correctly in the response body: Locator, GuestLastStay, and Routing.

Release 21.3 — May 2021

Feature or bug number Description

Partner Sandbox

Partners can now view all the information required to call the Partner Sandbox environment in one place in the Developer Portal.

Developer Portal Environments Page

Once partners are ready to start calling a hotel’s environments, partners can now obtain the clientId and clientSecret as well as the gateway URL directly in the Developer Portal. Customers can also view their environment details (clientId, clientSecret, and gateway URL).

Developer Portal Application Search Bar

You can now search through your list of applications using a search bar on the Developer Portal applications page.

Developer Portal Support for Wide Screens

The Developer Portal now supports wide screens.

Release 21.2 — March 2021

Feature or bug number Description

API Throttling

The Oracle Hospitality PMS APIs are now throttled to 50 requests per second for a single OPERA environment.

New CRM API Operations

There are 5 new API operations in the OPERA Cloud Customer Relationship Management API.

New Asynchronous APIs

There are 3 new Asynchronous APIs — OPERA Cloud Block Reservation, OPERA Cloud Inventory, and OPERA Cloud Rate Plan.

Release 21.1 — February 2021

Feature or bug number Description

Oracle Store

The Oracle Hospitality Integration Cloud Service is now available for purchase in the Oracle Store.