
Navigation Icons

When you first log in to the application, it displays a menu and toolbar that you can use to navigate to other areas of the application. Your administrator can assign a roll to determine your start page. Roles include:

  • If you have the Customer Home user role, the Customer Home landing page displays.

  • If you have the Promotion user role, the Promotion Home landing page displays.

  • If you have the Segment user role, the Segment Home landing page displays.

  • If you have the Program user role, the Program Home landing page displays.

  • If you have the Job Management user role, the Job Management Home landing page displays.


    If a user has multiple "home" roles, this will be the priority of the home window the user lands on after login.

    • Customer Home

    • Promotion Home

    • Segment Home

    • Program Home

    • Job Management


This is not the same Task functionality as that in the full classic (prior to JET) version of Customer Engagement.




The Menu icon provides links that correspond to icons on the toolbar, and returns you to the Home page.


The Favorite icon displays frequently used Tasks and Reports. See Adding or Removing a Favorite for more information.


The Tasks icon displays a Search for a task search box, where you can enter text to search for Task submenu options, along with links to the Home and Customer pages. See Note below for more information.


The Notifications icon alerts you to items needing your attention.. Click the icon to open the Notifications Panel Menu. See Notificationsvaavi for more information.

Customer Search

The Customer Search icon displays the Customer Search page. See Customer Search for more information.


The Segments icon displays the Segment search which allows you to select more criteria that are not available in the Segment Quick Search box. You can also Create Segments. See Segments for more information.


The Offers icon displays the Offers Advanced search which allows you to select more criteria that are not available in the Offer Quick Search box. You can also Create Offers. See Offers for more information.


The Promotions icon displays a Promotion Search which allows you to select criteria to search promotions. You can also Create Promotions. See Promotion Search for more information.


The Card icon displays a Card Search which allows you to select criteria to search Cards. See Card Search for more information.


The Program icon displays a Program Search which allows you to select criteria to search Programs. See Advanced Program Search for more information.


The Reports icon displays a list of reports that can be run. See Reports for more information.


The Overflow Menu provides additional options including Edit, View, and Delete.


This is not the same Task functionality as that in the full classic (prior to JET) version of Customer Engagement.

Task Priority

Icons displayed are based on what the user has access to. However, if the user has access to more than 6, there is a priority order for the icons to display. The ones further down the list will then only be accessible from the Main menu or from favorites section if they are marked as a favorite.

The Priority Order is:

  • Customer Search

  • Segment Search

  • Offer Search

  • Promotion Search

  • Card Search

  • Program Search

  • Reports


Displays only if the user does not have one of the first six features, otherwise it is not a menu option, but can be saved as a favorite

Task Lists

The following tasks are available in the Customer Engagement Modern View.

Figure 1-3 Task LIst

Task List

Admin Task List

The Admin Task List contains the following tasks:

  • Associate Role Definition

  • Attribute Management

  • Batch Import Review

  • Batch Process Tracking

  • Exchange Rate

  • File Review

  • Franchisees

  • Location Management

  • Manage External Application Access

  • Preference Types

  • Role Groups

  • Security Groups

  • System Configuration

  • System Logs

  • Task Management

  • Web Service Tracking

  • Users

Figure 1-4 Admin Task List

Admin Task List

Campaign Task List

The Campaign Task List contains the following tasks:

  • Promotion Home

  • Offers Search

  • Promotion Search

Figure 1-5 Campaign Task List

This figure is the Campaign Task list.

Customer Task List

The Customer Task List contains the following tasks:

  • Customer Home (Role Dependent)

  • Customer Search

  • Registries

Figure 1-6 Customer Task List

This figure is the Customer Task list.

Program Task List

The Program Task List contains the following tasks:

  • Program Home

  • Program Search

  • Card Search

Figure 1-7 Program Task List

Program Task List

Job Management Task List

The Job Management Task List contains the following tasks:

  • Job Home

  • Job Search

Figure 1-8 Job Management Task List

Job Management Task List

Segment Task List

The Segment Task List contains the following tasks:

  • Segment Home

  • Segment Search

Figure 1-9 Segment Task List

This figure shows the Segment Task List

Additional Tasks

The Reports Task opens the Reports application. The About Application opens a pop up window with the information regarding this version.


Favorites provide the ability to designate certain Tasks or Reports as Favorites that allow quick and easy access to frequently menu selections. You may also Pin or Unpin favorites to the Main Navigation Menu.

Adding or Removing a Favorite

A full blue star indicates which Task or Report is a Favorite and conversely, an empty blue star indicates which Task or Report is not a Favorite. To add a Favorite do the following:

  1. Navigate to the desired Task or Report.

    Figure 1-10 Menu Item - Favorites

    Menu Item - Favoirtes
  2. To designate the Task or Report as a Favorite, click the empty star icon to change it to a full blue star icon.

    Result: The specific task or report is designated as a Favorite.

    Figure 1-11 Favorite

  3. To remove the Task or Report as a Favorite, click the full blue star to change it to an empty star icon.


    You can also remove a Favorite that has been designated as a Pin. See Pin or Unpin Favorite Tasks fore more information.

Viewing Favorites

From the Navigation bar, click the Star icon to view all Favorites.

Figure 1-12 Favorites


Group View

By default, nested Favorites are contained inside folders within the Group View. Figure 1-13 displays top level directories containing one more more Favorites. Figure 1-14 displays the Favorites included in that directory. See Organized Favorites for details on how to create folders.

Figure 1-13 Nested Favorites

Nested Favorites

Figure 1-14 Nested Favorites - Drill Down

Nested Favorites - Drill Down

List View

Folders and their contents display as a flat list in the List View. Click the Group View or List View icon to toggle the display options.

Figure 1-15 Nested Favorites - List View

Nested Favorites - List View

Pin or Unpin Favorite Tasks

Favorite Tasks can pinned or unpinned to the Navigation Bar for quick access. To Pin or Unpin a Task, do the following:

  1. Click the Favorites icon.

  2. Hover over the Task to display an empty blue pin icon.

    Figure 1-16 Pinning a Favorite

    Pinning a Favorite
  3. Click the Pin icon.

    Result: The Pin icon is filled in and a corresponding icon for the Task appears in the Navigation menu as noted in Figure 1-17.

    Figure 1-17 Pinned Favorites

    Pinnted Favorites
  4. Click any filled Pin icon to unpin.

Editing Pins - Navigation Menu Icons

Favorites that are pinned appear on the Navigation Bar as icons. The following options are available when you right-click a Pinned Favorite:

  • Unpin Favorite - Removes the Task or Report from the Navigation Bar.

  • Unpin and Remove Favorite - Removes the Task or Report from the Navigation Bar and Favorites List.

  • Edit Favorites - Opens Edit Favorites. See Editing Favorites for more information.

Editing Favorites

From the Edit Favorites window, you can edit, organize, rename, pin, and unpin favorites. In Edit Favorites, you can manage which Favorites display and in which order the Favorites display.

  • From the Context Menu of the Pinned Navigation Bar Favorites, right-click and then select Edit Favorites.

  • Click Edit Favorites from the Favorites Menu.

Figure 1-18 Editing Favorites

Editing Favorites

Organized Favorites

The following options are available after highlighting a Favorite:

  • Edit Favorite - Enter a Custom Favorite Name and click OK to save the changes or click Cancel to close the window without saving any changes.

  • Delete Favorite - Click the X icon to remove (unpin) the task from the Navigation Bar and Favorites task list.

  • Toggle Pin - Click the Pin icon to Add or Remove (Pin or Unpin) Favorite Tasks from the Navigation Bar.

At anytime, you can click Create Folder to organize your Favorites into directories. Once created you can drag and drop favorites into these directories. To create a folder do the following:

Figure 1-19 Creating Folders

Creating Folders
  1. Click the Create Folder icon.

  2. Enter a Customer Folder Name.

  3. Click OK to create the folder or Cancel to close the window without saving changes.

  4. Drag and drop the desired Favorites into the folders. See Edit Favorites - Working with Folders for more information.

    Figure 1-20 Organized Favorites - Folders

    Organized Favorites - Folders

Pinned Navigation Bar Favorites

Press Shift + F10 or right-click a Pinned Favorite to display the following options:

  • Cut

  • Paste Before

  • Paste After


    In addition to the cut and paste options, you can reorder the pinned favorites from the Pinned Navigation Bar Favorites section on the Edit Favorites window by clicking a folder or favorite and dragging it to a new position.

  • Unpin Favorite


    You can also highlight a Pinned Task and click the X icon to unpin a favorite.

Edit Favorites - Working with Folders

You can edit, organize, rename, pin, and unpin favorites from the Edit Favorites window. The favorites displayed and the order in which the favorites are displayed are managed in Edit Favorites.


See Organized Favorites for information on how to create a folder.

Press Shift + F10 or right-click a folder to display the following options:

  • Edit - Enter a new name for the previously created folder. Click Ok to accept or click Cancel to close the window without saving.

  • Cut

  • Paste Before

  • Paste After

  • Paste Inside - Use this option on Favorites to move them into a folder.

  • Delete - Deletes the folder and the contents. A warning message appears. Click Yes to delete the folder and its contents or click No to close the warning without deletion.

    Figure 1-21 Delete Folder - Warning

    Delete Folder - Warning

Searching Favorites

The Favorites Menu provides a smart search feature to enable you to quickly find and open a task or report that is marked as a Favorite.

  • Enter any part of a task or report name and the list automatically populates with matching results as shown in Figure 1-22.

  • Select one of the items in the list to open that task or report.

Figure 1-22 Smart Search Feature

Smart Search Feature