Home Java Java SE 11 JDK 11 Documentation Books Migration Guide HTML PDF Helps to identify potential issues and provides suggestions for migrating your existing Java application from JDK 8 to the latest JDK. Installation Guide HTML PDF Describes the process to install JDK 11 and JRE 11 on your Windows, Oracle Solaris, macOS, and Linux platforms. Internationalization Guide HTML PDF Summarizes internationalization APIs and features of Java SE. Java Core Libraries Developer Guide HTML PDF Provides information about the Java core libraries. Java Remote Method Invocation API Guide HTML PDF Provides security recommendations for RMI applications. HotSpot Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning Guide HTML PDF Describes the garbage collection methods included in the Java HotSpot Virtual Machine (Java HotSpot VM) and helps you determine the best method for your needs. Java Virtual Machine Guide HTML PDF Describes the features of the Java Virtual Machine technology, including the Java HotSpot VM technology. JRockit to HotSpot Migration Guide HTML PDF Describes how to migrate Oracle JRockit to Java HotSpot VM. Java SE Language Updates HTML PDF Describes the new and updated language features in Java SE 9 and subsequent releases. Java Management Extensions Guide HTML PDF Provides an introduction to Java Management Extension technology. Java SE Monitoring and Management Guide HTML PDF Describes the utilities provided with Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) for monitoring and managing the performance of a Java Virtual Machine and the Java applications that are running in it. Java Scripting Programmer’s Guide HTML PDF Provides an overview of the scripting features in Java SE. Nashorn User's Guide HTML PDF Describes the use of the Nashorn engine for Java application development with scripting features provided by Java SE. Security Developer Guide HTML PDF Provides information about Java security technology, tools, and implementations of commonly used security algorithms, mechanisms, and protocols. Java Shell User Guide HTML PDF Describes how to use Java Shell (JShell), a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) tool for exploring the Java language. Javadoc Guide HTML PDF Explains how to use the Javadoc tool that is installed with the Java Development Kit (JDK). Tools Reference HTML PDF This document contains reference information for the tools that are installed with the Java Development Kit (JDK). Troubleshooting Guide HTML PDF Helps troubleshoot issues that might occur with Java Client applications created on the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) and Java HotSpot VM. Java Accessibility Guide HTML PDF Describes Java Access Bridge, Java Accessibility API (JAAPI), and Java Accessibility Utilities, which enable you to create accessible applications.