The software described in this documentation is either in Extended Support or Sustaining Support. See for more information.
Oracle recommends that you upgrade the software described by this documentation as soon as possible.

4.1 Registering with the Unbreakable Linux Network

When you install Oracle Linux 6 on a system, you have the option of registering the system with ULN. To register with ULN after installation, use the uln_register command.

To obtain Oracle Linux updates from ULN, you must have an Oracle Linux support subscription. For more information about ULN, see

During ULN registration, your server is automatically registered with the latest channels for the base repository and the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 3 (UEK R3) if your system has the x86_64 architecture and is running Oracle Linux 6 Update 5 or later. Other systems running Oracle Linux 6 are registered with the latest channels for the base repository and the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 2 (UEK R2). If you have upgraded your system from a previous update of Oracle Linux 6 and you want to install UEK R3, you must manually subscribe the server to the ol6_x86_64_UEKR3_latest channel and unsubscribe it from the ol6_i386_UEK_latest or ol6_x86_64_UEK_latest channel.


UEK R3 is not available for the 32-bit x86 architecture.

ULN also provides channels for Oracle-specific software packages such as Oracle's ASMlib user-space package and the Oracle Instant Client. To enable access to these packages, log in to ULN and subscribe your system to the Oracle Software channel.

If you have an Oracle Linux Premier Support account, you can opt to use Oracle Ksplice, which allows you to keep your systems secure and highly available by automatically updating your systems with the latest kernel security errata and other critical updates. If you choose to use Ksplice, you can subscribe your systems to the Ksplice for Oracle Linux channel and install the Ksplice Uptrack software on them. After registration is complete, you can use yum to install the uptrack package. The Uptrack client downloads the access key from ULN and automatically configures itself so that your system can immediately begin to use Ksplice Uptrack.