4.13 Setting up Ceilometer

Ceilometer is a telemetry service that collects, normalizes and transforms data produced by OpenStack services.

Ceilometer requires a database to operate. Oracle recommends that you use a dedicated MySQL database for Ceilometer. The database must be created and available on the network before you deploy Ceilometer.

For information on installing MySQL, see the MySQL Server Reference Manual for your MySQL release at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/.

Note the following:

  • By default, the MySQL Cluster database on the first controller node is used as the database. This database should only be used for testing and evaluation purposes only. If you use this database, it is highly likely that Ceilometer will fail to collect all data and will not produce correct or expected results.

  • MySQL Release 5.7 cannot be used as the Ceilometer database. See Ceilometer with MySQL 5.7 Fails to Deploy in the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Release Notes.

To set up Ceilometer:

  1. Create a dedicated database for Ceilometer.

    The following are example MySQL commands to create a database and user:

    mysql> create database ceilometer;
    mysql> grant all privileges on ceilometer.* to 'ceilometer'@'%' identified by 'password';

    In this example, the database is named ceilometer, with a user named ceilometer. These are the default settings for the Ceilometer properties, but you can use different names if you prefer.

  2. Configure the properties for the Ceilometer database.

    You only need to set these properties if you are using a dedicated MySQL Cluster database. If you are using the default database for testing and evaluation purposes, you do not need to set these properties.

    The properties are used to create the connection string for the Ceilometer database.

    Use the kollacli property set command to set the following properties:


    The fully qualified host name or IP address of the database host.

    The default is the MySQL Cluster database on the first controller node (the mysqlcluster_api_first_node_address property).


    The name of the Ceilometer database. The default is ceilometer.


    The port number for the database.

    The default is 3306 (taken from the database_port property). You only need to set this property if the MySQL database uses a different port.


    The name of the Ceilometer database user. The default is ceilometer.

    In this example, a MySQL database has been created named ceilometer, with a database user named ceilometer, and MySQL is available on port 3306 on dbhost.example.com. As the database is set up using the default property values, you only need to configure the database host:

    $ kollacli property set ceilometer_database_address dbhost.example.com
  3. Set the password for the Ceilometer database user.

    $ kollacli password set ceilometer_database_password

    You are prompted to enter and confirm the password. The password value is not displayed on screen.

  4. Enable the Ceilometer service.

    $ kollacli property set enable_ceilometer yes