4.8 Setting up Nova

The Nova compute service is responsible for managing the hypervisors and virtual machine instances. You might need to perform additional configuration before you deploy this service.

4.8.1 Automatic Hypervisor Configuration

For the Nova compute service, the virt_type option in the [libvirt] section of the nova.conf configuration file sets the hypervisor that runs the instances in your deployment.

In an OpenStack deployment, it is possible to use a mixture of hypervisors as compute nodes. To simplify configuration, when you deploy the Nova compute service to a node, the hypervisor is detected and the virt_type option is configured automatically. The following table shows the virt_type option settings and the conditions when they are used.




Platform: Linux

Distribution: Oracle VM Server


Platform: Linux

Distribution: Oracle Linux Server

Virtualization support: enabled


Platform: Linux

Distribution: Oracle Linux Server

Virtualization support: disabled


Platform: Microsoft Windows


The QEMU hypervisor is not a supported hypervisor for Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux.

To check whether virtualization support is enabled on a Linux compute node, run the following command:

$ egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

If virtualization support is enabled, the output should contain vmx (for an Intel CPU) or svm (for an AMD CPU).

4.8.2 Preparing a Compute Node

Before you deploy Nova compute services to a compute node, perform the following:

  • Ensure you have sufficient disk space, if you use ephemeral storage for instances (virtual machines).

    The Nova data container uses the /var/lib/kolla/var/lib/nova/instances directory on the compute node for ephemeral storage for instances. You must ensure there is sufficient disk space in this location for the amount of virtual machine data you intend to store.

  • (Oracle Linux compute nodes only) Stop and disable the libvirtd service.

    # systemctl stop libvirtd.service
    # systemctl disable libvirtd.service

    If the libvirtd service is running, this prevents the nova_libvirt container from starting when you deploy Nova services.

    Do not perform this step on Oracle VM Server compute nodes.

  • Stop iSCSI initiator processes.

    You only need to perform this step if you are using Cinder block storage with a volume driver that uses the iSCSI protocol, such as the LVM volume driver. The iscsid container handles the iSCSI session. If there are iSCSI initiator processes running on the compute node, this prevents the iscsid container from starting when you deploy Nova services.

    First, unmount the file systems on any attached iSCSI disks and disconnect from all iSCSI targets. Then do either of the following:

    • Uninstall the iscsi-initiator-utils package.

      # yum remove iscsi-initiator-utils 
    • Disable iSCSI services.

      On Oracle Linux compute nodes:

      # systemctl stop iscsid.socket iscsiuio.socket iscsid.service 
      # systemctl disable iscsid.socket iscsiuio.socket iscsid.service  

      On Oracle VM Server compute nodes:

      # service iscsid stop
      # chkconfig iscsid off