4.11 Setting up Cinder

The Cinder block storage service provides persistent block storage volumes for OpenStack instances. The Cinder service is enabled by default.

Cinder requires some form of backing storage. Currently, you can only connect to a storage device using the iSCSI protocol. The default is to use the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) on a storage node to store volume. However, you can use various external iSCSI storage devices by enabling vendor-specific Cinder volume drivers. You can also configure multiple backing storage devices.


Using an NFS driver for Cinder volumes is not supported.

Cinder also provides a backup service, which enables you to automatically back up volumes to an external storage. You can use NFS or the Swift object service as the backing storage for Cinder backups.


Currently using Ceph as the backing storage for either Cinder volumes or Cinder backup is not supported.

4.11.1 Using the LVM Volume Driver for Cinder Volumes

The LVM volume driver enables you to use the iSCSI protocol to connect to volumes in a volume group managed by the Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) on a storage node.

The LVM volume driver is supported only with Oracle Linux 7 storage nodes. You cannot use this driver with Oracle VM Server storage nodes.

The Cinder service (the enable_cinder property) and the LVM storage backend (the enable_cinder_backend_lvm property) are enabled by default.

By default, the Cinder service creates and manages the volumes in an LVM volume group named cinder-volumes on the storage nodes. If you prefer, you can configure a different LVM volume group name:

$ kollacli property set cinder_volume_group openstack-volumes

Whether you use the default LVM volume group name or your own, you have to manually create the LVM volume group on the storage nodes. Perform the following steps on each storage node:

  1. Install the LVM tools.

    The LVM tools are usually installed by default. If they not installed, install them:

    # yum install lvm2
  2. Use the pvcreate command to set up the devices that you want to use as physical volumes with LVM.

    # pvcreate [options] device ...

    When you run this command, all the data on the disk will be lost.

    For example, to set up the /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc devices as physical volumes:

    # pvcreate -v /dev/sd[bc]
        Set up physical volume for "/dev/sdb" with 41943040 available sectors
        Zeroing start of device /dev/sdb
        Writing physical volume data to disk "/dev/sdb"
      Physical volume "/dev/sdb" successfully created
  3. Use the vgcreate command to create the LVM volume group.

    # vgcreate [options] volume_group_name physical_volume ...

    For example, to create the cinder-volumes LVM volume group from the physical volumes /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc:

    # vgcreate -v cinder-volumes /dev/sd[bc]
        Adding physical volume '/dev/sdb' to volume group 'cinder-volumes'
        Adding physical volume '/dev/sdc' to volume group 'cinder-volumes'
        Archiving volume group "cinder-volumes" metadata (seqno 0).
        Creating volume group backup "/etc/lvm/backup/cinder-volumes" (seqno 1).
      Volume group "cinder-volumes" successfully created

For more information, see the lvm(8), pvcreate(8), vgcreate(8), and other LVM manual pages.

4.11.2 Using External iSCSI Storage for Cinder Volumes

If you have dedicated storage appliances that support iSCSI volume drivers for Cinder, you can use these instead of, or in addition to, the Cinder LVM volume driver.

The Cinder service (the enable_cinder property) and the iSCSI storage backend (the enable_cinder_backend_iscsi property) are enabled by default.

To enable an iSCSI volume driver, you add the configuration settings for the driver to the /etc/kolla/config/cinder.conf file on the master node. If this file does not exist, create it. The format of the configuration settings is as follows:

enabled_backends = MYdriver-1

volume_backend_name = name
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.driver_name
setting_name = setting

The enabled_backends setting is required to enable the [MYdriver-1] configuration section. The volume_driver configuration setting is used to specify the volume driver, and the settings that follow this are specific to the selected volume driver.

For more information about the available Cinder volume drivers and their configuration settings, see the OpenStack Configuration Reference:


For the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance iSCSI driver, use:

volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa.zfssaiscsi.ZFSSAISCSIDriver

For more information about this driver, including the required configuration on the storage appliance itself, see http://docs.openstack.org/mitaka/config-reference/block-storage/drivers/zfssa-iscsi-driver.html.

The following is an example configuration for the Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance iSCSI driver:

enabled_backends = zfsISCSIdriver-1

volume_backend_name = cinder-volumes
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa.zfssaiscsi.ZFSSAISCSIDriver
san_ip =
san_login = cinder
san_password = password
zfssa_pool = mypool
zfssa_project = myproject
zfssa_initiator_username = iqn.name
zfssa_initiator_group = default
zfssa_target_portal =
zfssa_target_interfaces = e1000g0

4.11.3 Configuring the iSCSI Initiator Name and iSCSI Multipath

By default, the Cinder block storage service uses the iSCSI protocol to connect instances to volumes. The iscsid container runs on compute nodes and handles the iSCSI session using an iSCSI initiator name that is generated when you deploy Nova compute services.

If you prefer, you can configure your own iSCSI initiator name. You set the iSCSI initiator name in the /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi file on each compute node. If the initiatorname.iscsi file does not exist, create it. The file has one line, which contains the name of the initiator, in the format:


For example:


The Nova compute service supports iSCSI multipath for failover purposes and increased performance. Multipath is enabled by default (configured with the enable_multipathd property). When multipath is enabled, the iSCSI initiator (the Compute node) is able to obtain a list of addresses from the storage node that the initiator can use as multiple paths to the iSCSI LUN.

4.11.4 Using the NFS Backup Driver for Cinder Backup

The Cinder service provides the ability to back up Cinder volumes to an external storage. By default, the backup driver is configured to use NFS. However, you need to configure the NFS share as the location for the backups, as follows:

$ kollacli property set cinder_backup_share host_name:path

where host_name is the fully qualified DNS name or IP address of the host that exports the NFS share, and path is the full path to the share on that host.

You can configure separate shares for individual hosts or groups, see Section 4.5, “Setting Properties for Groups or Hosts” for details.

You can also configure mount options for the NFS share, as follows:

$ kollacli property set backup_mount_options_nfs nfs_mount-options

For example, by default Cinder supports NFS version 4.1 or higher. If the NFS host uses an earlier version of NFS, this can cause errors. To downgrade the NFS version, configure the NFS version as a mount option. For example to specify that NFS version 4 is used:

$ kollacli property set backup_mount_options_nfs "vers=4,minorversion=0"

4.11.5 Using the Swift Backup Driver for Cinder Backup

If you enable the Swift object storage service (see Section 4.12, “Setting up Swift” for details), you can back up Cinder volumes to Swift instead of an NFS share. To do this you, need to change the default backup driver, as follows:

$ kollacli property set cinder_backup_driver swift

Do not set the cinder_backup_swift_user and cinder_backup_swift_key properties. By default, these properties are not set and this is sufficient for Cinder backup to operate.