The following tutorials are available for Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF). These step-by-step instructions guide you through common tasks for application developers and provide background concepts and information to help you understand what you are accomplishing in the steps.
These tutorials are designed for the release version specified above. If you are using a different version of JDeveloper, you may experience some inconsistencies. Use the navigations on the left side of this page to select the tutorials for a different release.
Build a basic application, using the major components of the JDeveloper IDE.
Build an end-to-end rich Internet application that interacts with a database using Oracle ADF.
Build a master-detail page and edit a web application with ADF Faces, EJB and JPA.
Use ADF Faces rich client JSF components to create Ajax-based web applications.
Add data visualization components, including graphs, gauges, maps, pivot tables, and gantt charts to your ADF Faces applications.
Create an ADF declarative component in a project and deploy the project to an ADF library JAR, then consume the declarative component in JSF pages.
Define component attributes to use as drag sources and as targets for accepting drops, then create and register custom drop event handling code on target components.
Create a page layout by nesting Panel Stretch Layout, Panel Splitter, and other layout components to define specific areas on a page for headers, footers, and body contents.
Create a custom skin (CSS file) and apply it to a sample application, then modify its look and feel.
Create reusable JSF flows and leverage the new features of the ADF Task Flow.
Create tabs and lists by defining unbounded task flows and ADF menu model metadata for a menu hierarchy, and then bind navigation pane and bread crumbs components to the menu model.
Use the ADF Faces Train component on a set of pages to display a series of navigation items that guide users through a multi-step task.
Create a simple databound application using JavaBeans and ADF Faces.
Create a URL data control from an XML schema that defines the structure of an RSS feed.
Use placeholder data controls with ADF data binding to build complete, runnable pages.
Customize and personalize an Oracle ADF Application with Metadata Services (MDS).
Build a Fusion web application and enable ADF security in it.
Configure your environment and use testing tools for continuous integration development management.
Use ADF Desktop Integration to develop Excel workbooks that are integrated with an ADF application.
Connect to a database and create a new user, then create an offline database that you will reverse-engineer.
Create a logical model using a UML class diagram and transform it to a physical model. Then reverse engineer database definitions into class definitions.
Create a Java application and build the user interface (UI) using Swing components.
Create a database-bound desktop application in Java using ADF Swing and ADF Business Components.
Create a facelets page, design the UI with JSF components, and modify the behavior through code.
Create a JSF navigation diagram to design the navigation, create JSF pages from the diagram and add the UI, then modify the behavior through code.
Create a JSF page and a Java class, then register the class as a managed bean, and bind the UI in the page to the managed bean.
Build and test four web services: an annotation-driven POJO service, a declaratively-driven POJO service,
a service for an existing WSDL, and an EJB service.
Build and test a RESTFul Web service using annotation, then consume it in a JSF page.
Create a session bean, add a business method, then create a sample Java client and run it.
Create entities from tables, create fields for the entity, generate a Java service facade, and then run the application.
Install ADF Mobile extension, setup the iOS SImulator or Android Emulator and test the installation.
Use a simple java class to display an employee list in an ADF Mobile Application. Then, use a Web Service to upgrade an employee's salary. Finally, use Device Features to take and use a photograph.