Service Registry 3.1 User's Guide
Numbers and Symbols
 % (percent sign), wildcard for searches ( Index Term Link )
 _ (underscore), wildcard for searches ( Index Term Link )
 AdhocQuery objects, publishing ( Index Term Link )
 approving registry objects ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  viewing details ( Index Term Link )
 audit trails, viewing ( Index Term Link )
 bookmark feature, using ( Index Term Link )
 certificates, obtaining ( Index Term Link )
 child organizations, adding to organizations ( Index Term Link )
 classification schemes ( Index Term Link )
  adding child concepts ( Index Term Link )
  exploring ( Index Term Link )
  publishing ( Index Term Link )
  viewing details ( Index Term Link )
 ClassificationNode objects, publishing ( Index Term Link )
  adding to registry objects ( Index Term Link )
  searching by ( Index Term Link )
 concepts, adding to classification schemes ( Index Term Link )
 connection refused messages ( Index Term Link )
 creating registry objects ( Index Term Link )
 deleting registry objects ( Index Term Link )
 Deletion Options combo box ( Index Term Link )
 deprecating registry objects ( Index Term Link )
 descriptions of registry objects, searching by ( Index Term Link )
 Details area ( Index Term Link )
 email addresses, adding to organizations or users ( Index Term Link )
 error 404 messages ( Index Term Link )
 error messages, troubleshooting ( Index Term Link )
 Explore tab, using ( Index Term Link )
 external identifiers, adding to registry objects ( Index Term Link )
 external links
  adding to registry objects ( Index Term Link )
  publishing ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting ( Index Term Link )
  viewing details ( Index Term Link )
 extrinsic objects
  publishing ( Index Term Link )
  viewing details ( Index Term Link )
 Federation objects, publishing ( Index Term Link )
 Glossary, link to ( Index Term Link )
 languages, changing default ( Index Term Link )
  setting ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 names of registry objects, searching by ( Index Term Link )
 object types, searching by ( Index Term Link )
  adding child organizations ( Index Term Link )
  adding email addresses ( Index Term Link )
  adding postal addresses ( Index Term Link )
  adding telephone numbers ( Index Term Link )
  adding users ( Index Term Link )
  publishing ( Index Term Link )
 Person objects, publishing ( Index Term Link )
 postal addresses, adding to organizations or users ( Index Term Link )
 predefined queries ( Index Term Link )
 publishing registry objects ( Index Term Link )
  predefined ( Index Term Link )
  WSDL ( Index Term Link )
 references, creating ( Index Term Link )
 registries, publishing ( Index Term Link )
 registry objects
  adding classifications ( Index Term Link )
  adding custom information ( Index Term Link )
  adding external identifiers ( Index Term Link )
  adding external links ( Index Term Link )
  adding slots ( Index Term Link )
  adding to registry packages ( Index Term Link )
  approving, deprecating, or undeprecating ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  creating associations ( Index Term Link )
  creating relationships ( Index Term Link )
  publishing ( Index Term Link )
  publishing errors ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  searching by classification ( Index Term Link )
  searching by name and description ( Index Term Link )
  searching by object type ( Index Term Link )
  searching by status ( Index Term Link )
  viewing details ( Index Term Link )
  viewing search results ( Index Term Link )
 Registry Objects area ( Index Term Link )
  holding objects in ( Index Term Link )
 registry packages
  adding registry objects ( Index Term Link )
  publishing ( Index Term Link )
 removing registry objects ( Index Term Link )
 Search tab ( Index Term Link )
 service bindings
  adding specification links ( Index Term Link )
  adding to services ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting ( Index Term Link )
  adding service bindings ( Index Term Link )
  publishing ( Index Term Link )
 slots, adding to registry objects ( Index Term Link )
 specification links, adding to service bindings ( Index Term Link )
 status of registry objects, searching by ( Index Term Link )
 telephone numbers, adding to organizations or users ( Index Term Link )
 troubleshooting ( Index Term Link )
 undeprecating registry objects ( Index Term Link )
 URL not resolvable messages ( Index Term Link )
 user accounts, creating ( Index Term Link )
 User Registration Wizard ( Index Term Link )
 userData folder, exploring ( Index Term Link )
  adding email addresses ( Index Term Link )
  adding postal addresses ( Index Term Link )
  adding telephone numbers ( Index Term Link )
  adding to organizations ( Index Term Link )
  publishing ( Index Term Link )
 versioning, enabling ( Index Term Link )
 Web Console, starting ( Index Term Link )
 wildcards, using in searches ( Index Term Link )
 WSDL queries, performing ( Index Term Link )