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Oracle Java CAPS LDAP Binding Component Tutorial     Java CAPS Documentation
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Document Information

Using the LDAP Binding Component in a Project

Tutorial Overview

Tutorial Requirement

Tutorial Plan

LDAP Binding Component Project in a Nutshell

Starting the GlassFish Application Server

To Start the GlassFish Application Server

To Start the JBI Components

Creating a BPEL Module Project For the Add Feature

To Create a BPEL Module Project

Creating a WSDL Document

To Create a WSDL Document: Add Operation

Create a WSDL Document For Type: SOAP

To Create a WSDL Document: SOAP

Creating a BPEL Process

To Create a BPEL Process

To Add a Partner Link

To Add a Web Service and Basic Activities

To Edit the Web Service: Receive1

To Edit the Web Service: Invoke1

To Edit the Web Service: Reply1

To Edit the Basic Activities: Assign1

To Edit the Basic Activities: Assign2

Creating a Composite Application Project

To Create a Composite Application Project

Deploying a Composite Application

To Deploy a Composite Application

Testing the Composite Application

To Test the Composite Application

Source View

Design View: Notification

Create a WSDL Document: Search

Create a WSDL Document: Update Feature

Create a WSDL Document: Delete Feature

Starting the GlassFish Application Server

The GlassFish Application Server is installed when Java CAPS is configured. NetBeans starts the Application Server when needed.

To Start the GlassFish Application Server

Before You Begin

Choose Window —> Services, if the Services tab is not visible.

  1. Click the Services tab and expand the Servers node.
  2. Right-click the domain (GlassFish v2.x by default). Select Start.
    image:GlassFish Server

    The Output window displays log information generated during the application startup.

    Note - Choose Window —> Output —> Output, if the Output window is not visible.

    The following message in the Output console window is an indication that the application server is listening.

    JBI framework  startup complete.

    Note - A green arrow badge on the GlassFish Application Server node indicates the server is listening.

    image:GlassFish Startup

To Start the JBI Components

  1. Expand GlassFish —> JBI —> Binding Components.
  2. Right-click on sun-ldap-binding. Click Start.
    image:sun-ldap–binding start server

    The action enables sun-ldap-binding.

    The Output console displays a confirmation message.

    Binding sun-ldap-binding has been started.

    image:sun-ldap–binding startup status