This chapter describes Commerce reports that are focused on measuring performance for promotional efforts. By default, these reports are located in the ATG/Commerce/Promotions folder in the Reporting Center. If the report is used in a dashboard report, it may instead be found in ATG/Dashboard Content/Commerce/Promotions.

In ATG Commerce the term promotion refers to an offer of discounted products or shipping, such as “$10 off shipping on all orders over $100.” Promotions can apply to orders containing specific sets of products, containing products from specific categories, or meeting specific price thresholds, and may offer discounts on specific items, on shipping charges, or on the order as a whole. Promotions are granted based on user activity and applied at the time a qualifying purchase is made.

ATG Commerce tracks the promotions that apply to each order, the specific line items that are discounted by each promotion, and the discount amount for each line item and for the order as a whole.

Customers can use globally available promotions as well as promotions granted specifically to them based on customer segment, online behavior, or other business rules. Granting a user the right to use a promotion and actually applying that promotion to an order are separate events in ATG Commerce, and can occur in different sessions.

This chapter describes the following reports:

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