Abandoned Order Converted event element, Scenario Event Elements
Abandoned Order Lost event element, Scenario Event Elements
Abandoned Order Reanimated event element, Scenario Event Elements
abandoned order services, Managing Abandoned Orders
business user overview, Understanding Order Abandonment
creating abandonment scenarios, Creating Scenarios that Respond to Abandonment Activity
orders, abandoned, Understanding Order Abandonment
orders, converted, Understanding Order Abandonment
orders, lost, Understanding Order Abandonment
orders, reanimated, Understanding Order Abandonment
scenario action elements, Scenario Action Elements
scenario event elements, Scenario Event Elements
testing abandonment scenarios, Testing Scenarios that Respond to Abandonment Activity
action elements
Add Item to Order, Add Item to Order
creating custom elements, Using Commerce Action Elements in Scenarios
described, Using Commerce Action Elements in Scenarios
Fill Related Items to Slot, Fill Related Items to Slot
Give Promotion, Give Promotion
Revoke Promotion, Revoke Promotion
Add Item to Order action element, Add Item to Order
AddBusinessProcessStage servlet bean, AddBusinessProcessStage
adding a new cost center, Adding a New Cost Center
AddItemToCartServlet, AddItemToCartServlet
AdminOrderLookup, OrderLookup
ancestor categories, Generating Ancestor Categories
Approval Complete Event event element, Approval Complete Event
Approval Required Event event element, Approval Required Event
ApprovalFormHandler, Processing Approvals and Rejections, Order Approval Gear Implementation
ApprovalRequiredDroplet, Displaying Orders Requiring Approval, Order Approval Gear Implementation, ApprovalRequiredDroplet
ApprovalResolvedDroplet, Order Approval Gear Implementation, ApprovalRequiredDroplet
ApprovedDroplet, Displaying a History of Approved and Rejected Orders, ApprovedDroplet
assigning a default cost center to a user, Assigning a Default Cost Center to a User
assigning price lists to users, Assigning Price Lists to Users
ATG Control Center
using to search catalogs, Searching for Items
using to view the product catalog, Viewing the Product Catalog
AvailableShippingMethods, Adding Shipping Information to Shopping Carts, AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet, AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet


CartModifierFormHandler, Implementing Order Retrieval, Adding Items to Shopping Carts
carts (see shopping carts)
catalog items
deleting, Modifying the Catalog Hierarchy
duplicating, Modifying the Catalog Hierarchy
catalog servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
CatalogItemLookupDroplet, Order Approval Gear Implementation, CatalogItemLookupDroplet
CatalogNavHistoryCollector, NavHistoryCollector
CatalogPossibleValues, CatalogPossibleValues
adding a subcatalog, Adding a Subcatalog to a Catalog
creating, Creating a Catalog
defined, Creating Catalogs, Categories, Products, and SKUs Manually
displaying items, Displaying Items in the Catalog
hierarchical navigation, Hierarchical Navigation
historical navigation, Historical Navigation
item types, Commerce Catalog Item Types
modifying, Modifying the Catalog Hierarchy
organizational models, Organizing Your Product Catalog
searching, Searching for Items, Catalog Searching
viewing as hierarchy, Viewing the Catalog as a Hierarchy
viewing as list, Viewing the Catalog as a List of Items
defined, Creating Catalogs, Categories, Products, and SKUs Manually
editing, Editing a Category or Product
CategoryBrowsed, ViewItemEventSender
CategoryLookup, CatalogItemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
child categories
creating, Creating a Child Category or Product
displaying, Displaying Child Categories and Products
child products
creating, Creating a Child Category or Product
displaying, Displaying Child Categories and Products
ClosenessQualifierDroplet, ClosenessQualifierDroplet
CollectionFilter, CollectionFilter
CommerceIdentifierPaymentInfo, Adding Payment Information to Shopping Carts
CommerceItemShippingInfo, Adding Shipping Information to Shopping Carts
comparison lists (see product comparison)
ComplexPriceDroplet, ComplexPriceDroplet
condition elements
creating custom elements, Using Commerce Condition Elements in Scenarios
described, Using Commerce Condition Elements in Scenarios
Item Where, Item Where
Order Where, Order Where
Convert Abandoned Order action element, Scenario Action Elements
ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet, ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet
cost centers, managing in the ACC, Purchasing and Fulfillment Services
cost centers,managing in the ACC, Managing Cost Centers
CostCenterDroplet, CostCenterDroplet
CouponDroplet, CouponDroplet
adding the coupon to the repository, Adding a Coupon to the Repository
adding the promotion to the repository, Setting Up a Coupon Promotion
setting up, Setting Up a Coupon Promotion
CreateCreditCardFormHandler, Adding Payment Information to Shopping Carts
CreateElectronicShippingGroupFormHandler, Adding Shipping Information to Shopping Carts
CreateHardgoodShippingGroupFormHandler, Adding Shipping Information to Shopping Carts
CreateInvoiceRequestFormHandler, Adding Payment Information to Shopping Carts
cross-selling products, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
CrossSellProductsSlot scenario template, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
custom catalogs
displaying items, Displaying Items
hierarchical navigation in, Navigation
implementing, Implementing Custom Catalogs
customer history, collecting, Historical Navigation


discounts (see promotions)
DisplaySkuProperties, DisplaySkuProperties
droplets (see servlet beans)


elements (see scenario elements)
event elements
Approval Complete Event, Approval Complete Event
Approval Required Event, Approval Required Event
Approval Update Event event element, Approval Update Event
described, Using Commerce Event Elements in Scenarios
FulfillOrderFragment, FulfillOrderFragment
Gift Purchased, Gift Purchased
Inventory Threshold Reached, Inventory Threshold Reached
Invoice Is Created, Invoice Is Created
Invoice Is Removed, Invoice Is Removed
Invoice Is Updated, Invoice Is Updated
Item Added to Order, Item Added to Order
Item Quantity Changed in Order, Item Quantity Changed in Order
Item Removed from Order, Item Removed from Order
ModifyOrder, Modify Order
ModifyOrderNotification, Modify Order Notification
Order Changes, Order Changes
Order Submitted, Order Submitted
Orders Merged, Orders Merged
Payment Group Changes, Payment Group Changes
Promotion Revoked, Promotion Offered, Promotion Revoked
Scenario Added an Item to an Order, Scenario Added an Item to an Order
Scheduled Order Event, Scheduled Order Event
Shipping Group Changes, Shipping Group Changes
UpdateInventory, Update Inventory
Uses Promotion, Uses Promotion
event messages, sending when items are viewed, Sending Messages When Items are Viewed
ExcludeItemsInCartFilterDroplet, ExcludeItemsInCartFilterDroplet


Fill Related Items to Slot action element, Fill Related Items to Slot
folders, creating, Creating a Folder
ForEachItemInCatalog, ForEachItemInCatalog
page developer example, ForEachItemInCatalog Servlet Bean
fulfillment servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
FulfillOrderFragment event element, FulfillOrderFragment


GearConfigFormHandler, Order Status Gear Implementation, Order Approval Gear Implementation
Order Approval, Order Approval Gear
Order Status, Order Status Gear
servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
gift list servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
Gift Purchased event element, Gift Purchased
GiftitemDroplet, GiftitemDroplet
GiftitemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
GiftlistDroplet, GiftlistDroplet
GiftlistLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
GiftShippingGroupDroplet, GiftShippingGroupDroplet
GiftShippingGroups, GiftShippingGroupsDroplet
GiftShippingGroupsDroplet, GiftShippingGroupsDroplet
Give Promotion action element, Specifying the People Who Receive the Promotion, Give Promotion


HasBusinessProcessStage servlet bean, HasBusinessProcessStage
HasFunction, Order Approval Gear Implementation


adding, Adding an Image
specifying, Specifying an Image or Template
INCOMPLETE order state, Implementing Shopping Carts
inventory framework servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
Inventory Threshold Reached event element, Inventory Threshold Reached
InventoryDroplet, InventoryDroplet
InventoryLookup, InventoryDroplet
Invoice Is Created event element, Invoice Is Created
Invoice Is Removed event element, Invoice Is Removed
Invoice Is Updated event element, Invoice Is Updated
IsGiftShippingGroup, GiftShippingGroupDroplet
IsHardGoods, IsHardGoodsDroplet
IsHardGoodsDroplet, IsHardGoodsDroplet
Item Added to Order event element, Item Added to Order
Item Quantity Changed in Order event element, Item Quantity Changed in Order
Item Removed from Order event element, Item Removed from Order
Item Where condition element, Item Where
ItemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
ItemPricingDroplet, ItemPricingDroplet


Log Promotion Information action element, Scenario Action Elements


managing cost centers using the ACC, Purchasing and Fulfillment Services, Managing Cost Centers
MediaLookup, ItemLookupDroplet
ModifyOrder event element, Modify Order
ModifyOrderNotification event element, Modify Order Notification
MostRecentBusinessProcessStage servlet bean, MostRecentBusinessProcessStage


NavHistoryCollector, NavHistoryCollector


Order Abandoned event element, Scenario Event Elements
Order Approval gear
components, Order Approval Gear Implementation
configuring, Configuring the Order Approval Gear
implementation, Order Approval Gear Implementation
implementation, display modes, Order Approval Gear Implementation
implementation, gear modes, Order Approval Gear Implementation
setting up, Setting Up the Order Approval Gear
using, Using the Order Approval Gear
order approval process
ApprovalFormHandler, Processing Approvals and Rejections
ApprovalRequiredDroplet, Displaying Orders Requiring Approval
ApprovedDroplet, Displaying a History of Approved and Rejected Orders
displaying approved and rejected orders, Displaying a History of Approved and Rejected Orders
displaying orders requiring approval, Displaying Orders Requiring Approval
implementing, Implementing an Order Approval Process
processing approvals and rejections, Processing Approvals and Rejections
servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
Order Changes event element, Order Changes
order management servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
Order Status gear
configuring, Configuring the Order Status Gear
implementation, Order Status Gear Implementation
implementation, components, Order Status Gear Implementation
implementation, display modes, Order Status Gear Implementation
implementation, gear modes, Order Status Gear Implementation
setting up, Setting Up the Order Status Gear
using, Using the Order Status Gear
Order Submitted event element, Order Submitted
Order Where condition element, Order Where
OrderHolder, Understanding the ShoppingCart Component
OrderLookup, Implementing Order Retrieval, Saving Shopping Carts, Order Status Gear Implementation, B2BOrderLookup, OrderLookup
abandoned (see abandoned order services)
adding items, Adding Items to Shopping Carts
Orders Merged event element, Orders Merged
OrderStates, Order Status Gear Implementation
OrderStatusFormHandler, Order Status Gear Implementation
OrderStatusGear, Order Status Gear Implementation


parentCategory property
using in standard catalogs, Hierarchical Navigation
Payment Group Changes event element, Payment Group Changes
PaymentGroupDroplet, Adding Payment Information to Shopping Carts, PaymentGroupDroplet
PaymentGroupFormHandler, Adding Payment Information to Shopping Carts
PMDL rules
creating with the discount rule editor (business users), Creating a Discount Rule
examples (business users), Creating a Discount Rule
using (business users), Creating a Discount Rule
portlets (see gears)
PossibleValues, PossibleValues
price lists, managing in the ACC, Managing Price Lists
PriceDroplet, PriceDroplet
PriceEachItem, PriceEachItemDroplet
PriceEachItemDroplet, PriceEachItemDroplet
PriceItem, PriceItemDroplet
PriceItemDroplet, PriceItemDroplet
pricing servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
product comparison
comparison lists, managing, Managing Product Comparison Lists
comparison lists, querying, Querying the Product Comparison List
described, Implementing Product Comparison
example JSPs, Examples of Product Comparison Pages
implementing, Implementing Product Comparison
localization, Querying the Product Comparison List, Managing Product Comparison Lists
ProductList, Understanding the ProductList Component
ProductListContains, Querying the Product Comparison List
ProductListHandler, Managing Product Comparison Lists
TableInfo, Understanding the ProductList Component, Displaying a Product Comparison Table
ProductBrowsed, ViewItemEventSender
ProductList, Understanding the ProductList Component
ProductListContains, Querying the Product Comparison List, ProductListContains
localization, Querying the Product Comparison List
ProductListHandler, Managing Product Comparison Lists
ProductLookup, Order Approval Gear Implementation, CatalogItemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
cross-selling, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
defined, Creating Catalogs, Categories, Products, and SKUs Manually
editing, Editing a Category or Product
up-selling, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
Promotion Revoked event element, Promotion Offered, Promotion Revoked
PromotionDroplet, PromotionDroplet
behavior, How Promotions Work
coupons, Setting Up a Coupon Promotion
creating (business users), Creating a Promotion
creating scenarios for, Specifying the People Who Receive the Promotion
delivering via URLs, Delivering a Promotion via a URL
described, Creating and Maintaining Promotions
disabling, Disabling a Promotion
discount rules, creating, Creating a Discount Rule
discount rules, examples, Creating a Discount Rule
media for, Displaying the Promotion Media on Your Web Site
properties, Adding a New Promotion
servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
types of promotions, Adding a New Promotion
withdrawing, Specifying the People Who Receive the Promotion
PromotionServlet, Delivering a Promotion via a URL
purchase process servlet beans, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans


Reanimate Abandoned Order action element, Scenario Action Elements
ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet, ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet
RelatedItemsOfCart slot, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
RelatedItemsSlot scenario, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
RemoveBusinessProcessStage, RemoveBusinessProcessStage
RemoveItemFromGiftlist, GiftitemDroplet
RepositoryValues, PossibleValues
RepriceOrder, RepriceOrder
RepriceOrderDroplet, Repricing Shopping Carts, RepriceOrder
Revoke Promotion action element, Specifying the People Who Receive the Promotion, Revoke Promotion
root categories
creating, Creating a Root Category
defined, Creating Catalogs, Categories, Products, and SKUs Manually
displaying, Displaying Root Categories
finding with a targeter, Hierarchical Navigation


SaveOrderFormHandler, Saving Shopping Carts
Scenario Added an Item to an Order event element, Scenario Added an Item to an Order
scenario elements
action (see action elements)
condition (see condition elements)
event (see event elements)
RelatedItemsSlot, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
using to cross-sell, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
using to up-sell, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
Scheduled Order Event event element, Scheduled Order Event
search components
standard catalogs, Preconfigured Search Components
search components example, Search Components
using with internationalized catalogs, Using SearchFormHandler with Internationalized Catalogs
servlet beans
AddBusinessProcessStageDroplet, AddBusinessProcessStage
AddItemToCartServlet, AddItemToCartServlet
AdminOrderLookup, OrderLookup
ApprovalRequiredDroplet, Displaying Orders Requiring Approval, ApprovalRequiredDroplet
ApprovalResolvedDroplet, ApprovalRequiredDroplet
Approved Droplet, ApprovedDroplet
ApprovedDroplet, Displaying a History of Approved and Rejected Orders
AvailableShippingMethods, AvailableShippingMethodsDroplet
BuyItemFromGiftlist, GiftitemDroplet
CatalogNavHistoryCollector, NavHistoryCollector
CatalogPossibleValues, CatalogPossibleValues
CategoryBrowsed, ViewItemEventSender
CategoryLookup, CatalogItemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
ClosenessQualifierDroplet, ClosenessQualifierDroplet
ComplexPriceDroplet, ComplexPriceDroplet
ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet, ConvertAbandonedOrderDroplet
CostCenterDroplet, CostCenterDroplet
CouponDroplet, CouponDroplet
DisplaySkuProperties, DisplaySkuProperties
ExcludeItemsInCartFilterDroplet, ExcludeItemsInCartFilterDroplet
ForEachItemInCatalog, ForEachItemInCatalog
GiftitemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
GiftlistDroplet, GiftlistDroplet
GiftlistLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
GiftShippingGroups, GiftShippingGroupsDroplet
HasBusinessProcessStageDroplet, HasBusinessProcessStage
InventoryFilterDroplet, CollectionFilter
InventoryLookup, InventoryDroplet
IsGiftShippingGroup, GiftShippingGroupDroplet
IsHardGoods, IsHardGoodsDroplet
list by functional area, : ATG Commerce Servlet Beans
MediaLookup, ItemLookupDroplet
MostRecentBusinessProcessStageDroplet, MostRecentBusinessProcessStage
OrderLookup, B2BOrderLookup, OrderLookup
PaymentGroupDroplet, PaymentGroupDroplet
PriceDroplet, PriceDroplet
PriceEachItem, PriceEachItemDroplet
PriceItem, PriceItemDroplet
ProductBrowsed, ViewItemEventSender
ProductFilterDroplet, CollectionFilter
ProductListContains, ProductListContains
ProductLookup, CatalogItemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
PromotionDroplet, PromotionDroplet
ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet, ReanimateAbandonedOrderDroplet
RemoveBusinessProcessStageDroplet, RemoveBusinessProcessStage
RemoveItemFromGiftlist, GiftitemDroplet
RepriceOrderDroplet, RepriceOrder
SetLastUpdatedDroplet, SetLastUpdatedDroplet
ShipItemRelPrice, ShipItemRelPrice
ShippableGroupsDroplet, ShippableGroupsDroplet
ShippingDroplet, ShippingDroplet
ShippingGroupDroplet, ShippingGroupDroplet
SKULookup, CatalogItemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
StartEndDateFilterDroplet, CollectionFilter
Set Order’s Last Updated Date action element, Scenario Action Elements
SetLastUpdatedDroplet, SetLastUpdatedDroplet
ShipItemRelPrice, ShipItemRelPrice
ShippableGroupsDroplet, ShippableGroupsDroplet
Shipping Group Changes event element, Shipping Group Changes
ShippingDroplet, ShippingDroplet
ShippingGroupDroplet, Adding Shipping Information to Shopping Carts, ShippingGroupDroplet
ShippingGroupFormHandler, Adding Shipping Information to Shopping Carts
shopping carts
adding items, Adding Items to Shopping Carts
adding payment information, Adding Payment Information to Shopping Carts
adding shipping information, Adding Shipping Information to Shopping Carts
creating, Creating and Retrieving Shopping Carts
cross-selling, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
handling custom commerce item properties, Adding Items to Shopping Carts
implementing, Implementing Shopping Carts
managing, Managing Shopping Carts
overriding the default commerce item type, Adding Items to Shopping Carts
repricing, Repricing Shopping Carts
retrieving, Creating and Retrieving Shopping Carts
saving, Saving Shopping Carts
up-selling, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
shopping process tracking
adding stages, AddBusinessProcessStage
checking stages, HasBusinessProcessStage, MostRecentBusinessProcessStage
removing stages, RemoveBusinessProcessStage
ShoppingCart, Understanding the ShoppingCart Component
SKU link, creating, Creating a SKU Bundle
SKULookup, CatalogItemLookupDroplet, ItemLookupDroplet
creating, Creating a SKU
creating bundled, Creating a SKU Bundle
creating configurable, Creating a Configurable SKU
defined, Creating Catalogs, Categories, Products, and SKUs Manually
displaying, Displaying SKUs
editing, Editing a SKU
step pricing, Setting Bulk and Tiered Pricing
subcatalogs (see catalogs)


up-selling products, Using Scenarios to Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Products
UpdateInventory event element, Update Inventory
Uses Promotion event element, Uses Promotion


version conflict, preventing, Preventing Version Conflict
viewing existing cost centers, Viewing Existing Cost Centers
ViewItemEventSender, ViewItemEventSender
volume pricing, Setting Bulk and Tiered Pricing
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