SPARC and Netra SPARC T5 Series Servers Administration Guide

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Updated: August 2016

Display Server Components (Oracle ILOM)

The Oracle ILOM show components command displays real-time information about the components installed in the server. This information includes the target name for each component.

  • At the Oracle ILOM prompt, type:

    Note - This is a sample of show components output. Specific components will vary based on each server.
    -> show components
    Target              | Property               | Value 
    /SYS/MB/RISER0/     | component_state        | Enabled
    PCIE0               |                        |
    /SYS/MB/RISER0/     | component_state        | Disabled
    /SYS/MB/RISER1      | component_state        | Enabled
    PCIE1               |                        |
    /SYS/MB/RISER1/     | component_state        | Enabled
    /SYS/MB/NET         | component_state        | Enabled
    /SYS/MB/NET1        | component_state        | Enabled
    /SYS/MB/NET2        | component_state        | Enabled

    Note - The target names displayed by Oracle ILOM commands might begin with /System or /SYS, depending on your situation.

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