The atgSubmitAction is used to submit a form. The JavaScript function atgSubmitAction has the following signature, which accepts a single object argument:

atgSubmitAction = function(params) {};

The params argument is a JavaScript object that may contain any combination of the following properties that are used to configure the framework request. Some properties are converted to request or query parameters and submitted to the server. Others are assigned to the submitted form. Most of the properties are either optional or have defaults, so they do not have to be specified with each request.




Optional target URL for submitting framework requests. Overrides the default framework URL.


Optional. Sets the mime-type of the request.


Optional. Sets the expected response format for proper handling.


Reference to the DOM form to submit the framework request. The form can be a DSP form linked to a form handler. Either form or formId is required.


Looks up the form to submit with the framework request. Either form or formId is required.


Requires the form specified in the form property. Maps form element names to values. Each value is bound to the corresponding form element for submission as such: For each name in formInputValues, set form[name].value = forminputValues[name]


Navigates to the specified tab by ID. Submits the request parameter t.


String name of the next steps to render in the next steps panel. Submits the request parameter ns.


Navigates to the specified panel stack under the current tab. Renders all of the currently-enabled member panels of the panel stack in the cell for which the panel stack is assigned under the tab definition. Submits the request parameter ps.


Array of panel identifiers to refresh. The panel will remain in its current place but the contents will be re-rendered. Submits the request parameter p. For example: ["panel1", "panel2"]


Array of panel identifiers to set to the selected state. Applies to panels that are in a row of tabbed panels. Submits the request parameter selectTabbedPanelIds.


Optional. Fully qualified Nucleus path of the form-handler bean map property that will receive the extraParams. Allows JavaScript data to be passed to a form handler.


Optional. Fully qualified Nucleus path of a form handler with a property named parameterMap. Note: The form handler must have a property named parameterMap. If the form handler does not have a property with this name, use the paramsMapName property.


Optional. Map of parameters to map to key-value pairs on the default FrameworkBaseFormHandler parameterMap property or another property specified in paramsMapName. The values are assigned into a comma-delimited list as such: For each key in extraParams, append key = extraParams[key] to list. The comma-delimited list is assigned to the form handler parameter map property: key1=value1, key2=value2, etc. Allows JavaScript data to be passed to a form handler map.


Optional. Map of keys to arrays of values. Requires the form specified in the form property and the form handler specified in the formHandler property. The values contained in each array are submitted to the same array-based form handler property. For example, {param1: [a,b,c], param2: [x,y,z]}.


Optional. Map of keys to other maps. Requires the form specified in the form property and the form handler specified in the formHandler property. The outer keys map to the corresponding property names on formHandler. The inner keys are appended to a comma-delimited list of key-value pairs. For example, {property1: {key1: value1, key2: value2}}.


Optional. Map of parameters that are added without modification to the request URL as query parameters.


Flag indicating whether to submit the request synchronously or asynchronously. If the request is synchronous, the atgSubmitFunction will wait until a response is received from the server (or a timeout occurs) before continuing execution. The default value is false for asynchronous requests.


Flag indicating whether to display a loading curtain and progress indicator during requests. The default value is true to show the loading curtain and progress indicator.

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