Forms are customized using configuration layering. This extends the functionality of default forms within Service Center by modifying the fields within the form. By extending configuration files, you can add or remove fields or modify the behavior of fields. For example, you can identify required fields within a specific form by mapping to your own JSP snippets that contain your customized layout. Once you have created your own customized JSP snippets, you can modify the appropriate configuration property for that form to render your customizations.

Using default or extended fragments, you can modify the default forms, and/or append your customizations. If JSP snippets are not specified, the standard forms are rendered.

The following forms can be modified:


Form/Page Area

Customer Information

Create New Customer

Customer Information

Edit/View Customer

Customer Search

Customer Search or the Select Customer pop-up in the shopping cart

Gift Lists

Details, Search, Search Results and View Details

Order Search

Order Search

Order View

Display values

Product Catalog

Product Search

Forms are customized by modifying the associated configuration properties files that define the JSP fragments that replace and/or append the field.

Note: Refer to the Customization Best Practices section before modifying files.

The JSP fragment is integrated within your page layout to display the new or modified field. Service Center uses a default JSP fragment that contains all of the standard fields displayed on a page, and an optional extended JSP fragment used for creating additional fields.

The default page fragment component is mapped to the default JSP snippet in Service Center but may be redirected with a configuration property to your own JSP page. The page contains a dsp: include tag that reads the associated configuration file and then includes the page defined by the page fragment component. For example, to change the default fragment to your own code, you would change the page fragment’s servletContext and URL properties to point to your page.

The extended page fragment component allows you to append content to the page without changing the default page fragment. The extended page fragment component contains the same functionality as, and is defined directly after, the default page fragment component. By default, the extended properties files do not contain a reference to a JSP file. You can define a JSP for the extended fragment to incorporate form properties that are specific to your environment.

The default and extended page fragment components are instances of atg.web.PageFragment, which are used to define the location of the JSP file. The configuration files that define the page fragment components contain the following properties to identify the JSP:

Both the default and extended property files are instances of PageFragment, allowing a servletContext and URL to be specified for the JSP snippet. As such, the servletContext and URL property descriptions can be applied for both fragment types.

For general information on working with forms, refer to the Forms section of the ATG Page Developer's Guide.

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