Click to Call links live within the HTML of your customer-facing Web page. For example, you can place a static link in one of your existing navigational menus using a <div> tag.

When creating a static Click to Call link, you create a Timeout Link that has a time out length of zero (0), indicating that the link is displayed whenever the page is rendered. Then you identify the link icon and the location of the link on your commerce page by specifying the ID of a <div> on the page.

The majority of the Link Builder fields will use the default values. For additional information on the Link Builder tool, refer to the Webcare Link Builder Help Center documentation. Modify the fields as outlined below:

  1. Create a <div> tag, as outlined above in the Configuring a Static Link section. Record the ID of the <div> as it will be used when creating the link.

  2. Open Webcare. Use the Set Up menu and select the Link Builder tool. From the Add New options, select timeout to access the Link Customization screen.

    You will use this screen to configure and customize the links that are presented to your customers.

  3. Enter a Link Name.

  4. Use the Link Type drop down menu to select Timeout.

    The Timeout link type is used to display links that appear after a specific amount of time. Use the Timeout link type to create a generic static link.

  5. Enter the Language in which the link will be presented.

  6. Enter the Phone Number of your call center or agent by selecting the country and entering the country code and phone number.

  7. Enter a UI Title. The title you provide will be displayed as the title bar in the browser when the customer selects the link.

  8. Select the Link Icon. You can select an existing link that is stored on the site, or you can add a custom URL that displays a custom icon. If you select the custom URL, enter the full DNS name of the link, the port number and the path for the location of the icon. For example:

    http://commerceserver1: 8080/images/atg/clicktocallicon.gif

  9. Use the Timeout in Seconds field to enter the amount of time that a customer is on your Web page before the link is made available. To configure a static link that is always available, the Timeout value should be set to 0.

  10. Set the Positioning fields to 0 for the left and the top of the page. This allows the <div> you created to set the location of the link.

  11. In the Relative to Layer ID field, enter the ID of the <div> you created earlier. For example, Atg_ClickToCall_Link.

  12. Click Add Link to save the link. The new link is listed in the Link Summary table.

This sets a continual and static link in the <div> you created on your commerce Web page.

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