The dladm command can be used with the show-linkprop subcommand to show the assignment of data-links to running exclusive-IP zones.
You must be the global administrator or a user granted the appropriate authorizations in the global zone to administer data-links.
For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .
global# dladm show-linkprop
global# dladm show-linkprop
Note that the net0 link is assigned to the zone vzl-100.
global# dladm show-linkprop LINK PROPERTY PERM VALUE EFFECTIVE DEFAULT POSSIBLE net2 speed r- 10 10 10 -- ... vzl-100/net0 autopush rw -- -- -- -- vzl-100/net0 zone rw vzl-100 vzl-100 -- -- vzl-100/net0 state r- up up up up,down vzl-100/net0 mtu rw 1500 1500 1500 576-1500 vzl-100/net0 maxbw rw -- -- -- -- vzl-100/net0 cpus rw -- 0-3,8-11 -- -- vzl-100/net0 rxfanout rw -- 8 1 -- vzl-100/net0 pool rw -- -- -- -- vzl-100/net0 priority rw high high high low,medium, high vzl-100/net0 tagmode rw vlanonly vlanonly vlanonly normal, vlanonly vzl-100/net0 protection rw mac-nospoof mac-nospoof -- mac-nospoof, restricted, ip-nospoof, dhcp-nospoof vzl-100/net0 mac-address rw 0:16:3e:86:11:f5 0:16:3e:86:11:f5 0:16:3e:86:11:f5 -- vzl-100/net0 allowed-ips rw -- -- -- -- vzl-100/net0 allowed-dhcp-cids rw -- -- -- -- vzl-100/net0 rxrings rw -- -- -- -- vzl-100/net0 txrings rw -- -- -- sw,hw vzl-100/net0 txringsavail r- 0 0 -- -- vzl-100/net0 rxringsavail r- 0 0 -- -- vzl-100/net0 rxhwclntavail r- 0 0 -- -- vzl-100/net0 txhwclntavail r- 0 0 -- -- vzl-100/net0 vsi-typeid rw -- 116 -- -- vzl-100/net0 vsi-vers rw -- 0 -- -- vzl-100/net0 vsi-mgrid rw -- :: -- -- vzl-100/net0 vsi-mgrid-enc rw -- oracle_v1 oracle_v1 none, oracle_v1 vzl-100/net0 lro rw off off auto on,off,auto vzl-100/net0 cos rw -- -- 0 -- vzl-100/net0 etsbw-lcl rw -- -- 0 -- vzl-100/net0 etsbw-rmt r- -- -- -- -- vzl-100/net0 etsbw-lcl-advice r- -- -- -- -- vzl-100/net0 etsbw-rmt-advice rw -- -- 0 --
Device physical locations are shown in the LOCATION field. To view the data-link name and physical location information for a device, use the –L option.
global# dladm show-phys -L LINK DEVICE LOCATION net0 net0 MB net1 net1 MB net2 net2 MB net3 net3 MB net4 ibp0 MB/RISER0/PCIE0/PORT1 net5 ibp1 MB/RISER0/PCIE0/PORT2 net6 eoib2 MB/RISER0/PCIE0/PORT1/cloud-nm2gw-2/1A-ETH-2 net7 eoib4 MB/RISER0/PCIE0/PORT2/cloud-nm2gw-2/1A-ETH-2