Persistent proxies should be set in an image by using the --proxy option as described in Chapter 5, Configuring Installed Images, in Adding and Updating Software in Oracle Solaris 11.2 . If a persistent image proxy configuration is not used, and http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables are always used to access repositories when running the pkg command, then the system-repository services should also be configured to use those same proxies through SMF system-repository service properties. See the pkg (1) man page.
Access to repositories configured in the global zone is provided to non-global zones using the system-repository service. Any updates to proxies for origins in the global zone are automatically made to the system-repository configuration. Using this method, no modifications are required to the system-repository SMF service.
It is also possible to configure the proxies used by the system-repository SMF service, overriding any proxies configured on publishers in the global zone. The system-repository proxies can be set by using the config/http_proxy or config/https_proxy SMF properties.
For more information, see the pkg.sysrepo (1M) man page and Adding and Updating Software in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .