The PricingEngineService class is a GenericService implementation of a PricingEngine. PricingEngine implementations can extend this class to leverage scheduling, global promotions, locale, and other configuration functionality.

The PricingEngineService includes the getCalculatorForCalculatorType() method, which determines the calculator component to use for promotions (note that it is not used for pre- or post-calculators). To make this determination, it consults a Map in which the key is a CalculatorType. The calculator type specified in the PMDL is used to identify the correct calculator component. The calculator identified by getCalculatorForCalculatorType() is then used by the pricing calculator (such as ItemPriceCalculator). You can use the map to extend the pricing engine and add your own calculators to the pricing system.

Note: Only use the calculator type Map for promotions created in Commerce 10 or later. Earlier versions use a different mechanism for retrieving calculator details.

The QualifiedItems and MatchingObjects are passed to the calculator using the “extra parameters” Map. For the ItemPricingCalculator, the List of QualifiedItem objects is stored in Constants.QUALIFIED_ITEMS. For Order, Shipping, and TaxPricingCalculators, the MatchingObject is stored in Constants.MATCHING_OBJECT. For both, the DiscountStructure is stored in Constants.DISCOUNT_STRUCTURE.

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