When you make changes to category, product, SKU or promotion items in your catalog, ATG Content Administration creates a list of changed items to deploy. Once the deployment is completed and the publishing clients have switched their data sources, the /atg/reporting/datacollection/commerce/ProductCatalogDeploymentListener component on the ATG Content Administration server is notified of the switch and the list of changes.

The sourceRepositoryPathToItemDecriptorNames property of the ProductCatalogDeploymentListener component defines the item types for which changes should be logged and the Data Warehouse updated.


You can use the ignorableTargets property to specify any Content Administration targets where changes should not be logged, such as your staging environment:


Note: If you do a full deploy of your product catalog, all items are logged as changed, though the data may not be any different. During its next scheduled run, the loader will then compare every item in the catalog with the dimension data in the Warehouse Repository, and only actual changes are loaded. For large catalogs, this process can take a long time.

The JMS message type used to identify log rotation is atg.reporting.productCatalogUpdate.

The catalog_timestamp_unique id.data file contains the following logged information:

The following is an example of the product catalog log:

10/19/2006 10:08:39     /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog product
prod70002     insert
10/19/2006 10:08:39     /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog sku
     sku81007     update
10/19/2006 10:10:39     /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog product
prod70004     delete

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