The easiest way to format a file for import is to start by exporting a file from Merchandising that contains the assets you want to modify. You can also manually create the import file starting with a blank spreadsheet. Unlike the export feature, which supports only XLS files, the import feature supports both XLS and CSV formatted files, so you can use any editor that supports CSV files to create the spreadsheet to import.

The following figure shows an example of a spreadsheet formatted for import:

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

Caution: If you leave a cell blank, a property value might be deleted. See Format for Deleting Property Values.

Required Formats for Importing a Spreadsheet

The first row and first column of the spreadsheet are reserved for use by the import process and must contain specific information. The first row contains information about the data that is being imported and the first column (except for row 1) contains the ID property of the assets being imported.

In the first row of the spreadsheet, you must specify the repository, asset type, and any special formats for data types, as follows:

Beginning with the second row, the first column of the spreadsheet is reserved for the ID property of the imported assets. No other property can occupy column one. The second row (cell A2) contains the ID heading, which is always ID regardless of the actual name of the repository item’s ID property. The remaining rows (cells A3 and greater) contain the ID values for each imported asset. Any rows with blank ID values are skipped during import.

Format for Adding New Assets

The import feature allows you to create new assets when you import your spreadsheet. To create an asset, add a row to the spreadsheet and enter property values for each column. If you leave a cell blank, then the value for that property is set to null. If you leave the ID column blank, the asset is skipped and not created.

You assign an ID value for the new asset in one of the following ways:

Note: To create an asset, you must provide values for required properties.

When you create a new asset for import, be sure to add it before any other assets in the spreadsheet that make use of that new asset. This is because the import task processes the spreadsheet from top to bottom and must create an asset before it can be referenced from another asset. For example, to create a new product and add it to the Related Products property of other products in the spreadsheet, insert the new product row before the rows containing the products that refer to it.

Format for Deleting Property Values

You can delete a property value of an asset when you import the asset to Merchandising. To delete a property value, leave the corresponding cell blank.

Tip: If you delete a cell in the spreadsheet but do not want to delete the property value during import, you can mark the cell as ignored. See Marking Data to Ignore.

This delete format does not apply when you are adding items to collection properties. If you format a column to prepend or append items to a collection, blank cells are automatically ignored during import (nothing is added or removed from the collection). See Format for Adding Items to a Collection.

Marking Data to Ignore

When you import a spreadsheet, the file might contain data that you do not want to include in the import, for example, columns with formulas or notes, columns containing a property that you do not want to edit, or blank cells that might cause data to be deleted. To remove these items from the import, you can mark columns (properties), rows (individual assets), or cells (individual property values) to be ignored by the import process.

Use the keyword IGNORE to mark data that you want to ignore during import, as follows:

To ignore this

Do this

Ignore a column of data, such as a single property or extra column

Type the word IGNORE in the column heading (row 2).

Ignore an asset (a single row)

Type the word IGNORE in the ID cell for the asset (column 1).

Ignore a property for an asset (a single cell)

Type IGNORE in the cell.

For data to be ignored, the cell must contain only the single word IGNORE in all capital letters.

Format for Adding Items to a Collection

You can add items to a collection by typing an ampersand (&) before or after the property name in the column heading of a collection property, as follows:

The prepend and append formats simplify the process of editing collections because you only need to include additional items and not every item in the collection. If you do not use this format, the import process overwrites the collection property with the exact items listed in the spreadsheet.

When you use this format, leave a cell blank to indicate that nothing should be added to the collection. If you have formatted a column to prepend or append items to a collection, blank cells in that column are ignored during import (nothing is added or removed from the collection).

The following figure shows an example of the prepend format used to add products to categories:

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

You can also use prepend and append to add to collections that are in itemized format. The following graphic shows the previous example in itemized format:

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

If you already use the ampersand character as part of a collection property name, you can use a different character for appending and prepending items to collections.

Formats Specific to CSV Files

The import feature supports files in CSV (comma-separated values) format in addition to XLS (Microsoft Excel) files. CSV files are text-based files that use commas to separate cells in the spreadsheet. Each new line in the file represents a new row of the spreadsheet. If the value stored in a cell includes commas, such as a collection property, the entire value is enclosed in double-quotation marks to indicate that the commas do not begin a new cell.

If you use Microsoft Excel to create the CSV file, the quotation marks are added automatically when you save the file in CSV format. You cannot see them when you open the file in Excel. You see them only if you edit the file in a text editor, such as Microsoft WordPad.

The following shows an example of a CSV file as it appears in text:

/atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog:product, , ,
xprod1009,Terry Gloves,masterCatalog=cat70014,"xsku1032, xsku1033, xsku1034"
xprod1012,Cable knit hat,masterCatalog=cat70014,xsku1040
xprod1010,Shoulder Bag,masterCatalog=cat70014,xsku1038

The following figure shows the same CSV file as it appears in Microsoft Excel:

This illustration is described in the preceding text.

To avoid errors on import, make sure that the number of commas in rows 3 and greater exactly matches the number of commas in row 2.

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